Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Effective Leadership Towards the Star Rating Evaluation of Malaysian Seni Gayung Fatani Malaysia Organization (PSGFM)

Background. An excellent organization is generally led by effective leadership. As well as a heritage and cultural organization that has been transformed towards excellence equivalent of time, the Seni Gayung Fatani (PSGFM) organization is a Malay Silat dexterity organization that is responsible for addressing the changes needed for effective leadership via a calibre achievement rating based on the goals and vision of the country through the star rating evaluation.
Problem and aim. The star rating assessment criteria set by the Sports Commissioner Office of Malaysia on the sports body registered under the Sports Development Act (1997). Nonetheless, PSGFM is registered with the Registrar of Society (ROS).
Methods. This paper consists of the history of PSGFM and Malay Silat, Silat as a martial art and combat sport, PSGFM leadership, effective leadership that holds the helm of PSGFM, and achievement of the criteria in the star-rating evaluation achieved by PSGFM. This paper also ended with the discussion and direction of PSGFM to elevate the martial art and combat sport of Silat through effective leadership.
Result. Star rating achievement by PSGFM’s leadership, sets an example for other sports bodies registered with the Sports Commissioner Office.
Conclusion. Therefore, it is highly recommended that registration by PSGFM under the Sports Development Act (1997) be approved.