Publishing Regulations - Submission Guidelines
Last update: 14.09.2024
Dear Authors, Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have received funding from the Polish Ministry of Education and Science for the publication of volumes 22 and 23. I would like to ask people whose articles have been accepted for publication in subsequent volumes to pay the publication fee of USD 300.
Publisher account (for transfers in USD) that takes over the publishing of our Journal - "Akademia Yoshin" (Yoshin Academy): Address: ul. Zawale 49a/5, 38-100 Strzyżów, Poland
Bank account: IBAN: PL 15 1240 2672 1787 0011 2487 5608, SWIFT: PKO PPL PW
I hope for your understanding, in the name of further good cooperation,
Prof. Wojciech J. Cynarski
President of IPA, Editor in Chief
Publishing Regulations - Submission Guidelines
"Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology" - Publishing Regulations
"Ido Mov Cult J Martial Arts Anthrop" is an international peer reviewed journal. It is a periodical published by the Academia Yoshin under under the patronage of Idokan Poland Association (Stowarzyszenie Idokan Polska), in cooperation with other institutions, in Rzeszów and under the auspices of the IMACSSS and IASK.
"Ido Mov Cult J Martial Arts Anthrop" provides free, immediate and permanent online access to the full text of all articles distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial License “NoDerivs 3.0 Unported” (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).
"Ido Mov Cult J Martial Arts Anthrop" publishes original scientific articles on various aspects of the martial arts and combat sports. It also includes reviews, polemics and surveys of publications concerning the subject matter contained in the periodical.
General outline of the Journal
- Interdisciplinary research; holistic and systematic approaches consistent with a new paradigm of science;
- Connection of physical education to philosophy, the sociology of culture, education and the humanities;
- Physical practices and spirituality, traditions of the East and cultural dialogue;
- Theory of sport (combat sports), the General Theory of Fighting Arts, and the science of martial arts;
- Activities of the organization, functioning of martial arts institutions, and profiles of outstanding individuals;
- Cultural tourism, in particular martial arts tourism.
Both the Editorial Board and the Scientific/Advisory Board are international bodies. The Boards are multidisciplinary. All members of these committees are held in high esteem worldwide. Some of them are employed as editors-in-chief of international journals or are members of international scientific organisations.
Material delivered to the editorial office undergoes a two-stage evaluation: 1) the topic and formal requirements are evaluated by the editorial staff: 2) The subject matter and methodology are evaluated by the Editorial Board and the Scientific/Advisory Board who are part of the Editorial Council. There are also other evaluators (double blind review process).
All these articles will appear quarterly in English in electronic form, using the open access system. All original scientific content is available free of charge for personal use without restrictions on the journal's website.
Manuscripts in English, maximum 20 pages including references, should be sent in electronic form: Word processor: Word, type: 12 Times New Roman CE, single space, standard margins (2.5 cm at top, bottom, right, and left), alphabetic references at the end of the text.
The Editorial Board accepts manuscripts written only in English - either American English or British English, Latin lettering only and avoiding diacritics. Manuscripts may be rejected if written in poor English. The author is fully responsible for the style (formal, unbiased in any sense), language, and content of the paper. However the Editorial Board has the right to comment on the form and language of the paper before it is accepted for publication. A good, standard command of grammar is expected in written English. Authors should avoid non-standard abbreviations.
Authors must prepare one abstract in English (Polish authors should prepare the same abstract in English and Polish). Abstracts must be structured, with the following sections: background, problem and aim, methods, results, conclusions. This abstract should contain between 200-250 words. Four to six key words should also be provided.
The abstract should follow the structure of the article material on the theoretical perspective (Background); Problem and Aim - 3-4 sentences about the subject and the aim preferably without references; Methods - sample, variables, data analysis method; Results - the most important ones; Conclusion - highlights from the discussion section and the most important conclusions. This "article in miniature" is intended for Polish readers and, if submitted in English will be translated into Polish.
The journal uses a form similar to the Harvard reference system in the "Idokan Poland Association style" (IPA). For example, if the author quotes someone else's work, it should be presented in the following manner: [Capra 1987: 50-51; Sasaki 2009] or [Rzany, Cynarski 2001; cf. Cynarski et al. 2002; Czajkowski 2007a, b; Cynarski, Skowron 2014]. Footnotes with continuous numbering should include only additional information and not other authors’ works quoted in the article.
For works on historical or cultural issues a sources (“SOURCES”) section can be added, as direct interviews, important documents, non scientific literature, films or electronic sources. E.g.:
Sieber Lothar (2013), GM, meijin in jujutsu and karate, 10 dan; direct interview, Munich, Feb.
Martial Arts, from Wikipedia, (access Sep. 2024).
International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society, Home, from Facebook page, https://w 1220947 (access Sep. 2024).
Rut P. (2014), 3rd World Scientific Congress of IMACSSS, Rzeszow 2014, documentary.
Schultz M. [director] (1985), The Last Dragon, Motown Productions, Los Angeles, CA.
The duration of the video in minutes may be added, but not necessarily.
KrypteiaPolemos (2009), Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu #2 - Risuke Otake [video], from YouTube, (access Sep. 2024).
The list of references should contain only the authors cited in the text. The reference section ("REFERENCES") should be in the following form (for books, articles and chapters):
1. Capra F. (1987), The Turning Point. Science, Society, and the Rising Culture, PIW, Warsaw [in Polish].
2. Cynarski W.J., Litwiniuk A., Warchol K., Buchhold M. (2002), Participation in Far-Eastern sports and martial arts in a few chosen countries, "Rocznik Naukowy ZWWF Biala Podlaska", vol. 9, pp. 271-287.
3. Cynarski W.J., Skowron J. (2014), An analysis of the conceptual language used for the general theory of martial arts - Japanese, Polish and English terminology, "Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology", vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 49-66; doi: 10.14589/ido.14.3.7.
4. Czajkowski Z. (2007a), The influence of chosen factors on athletes' competition results in different stages of training - exemplified by fencing, "Ido Movement for Culture", vol. 7, pp. 116-123.
5. Czajkowski Z. (2007b), How to be a successful coach?, "Ido Movement for Culture", vol. 7, pp. 174-181.
6. Rzany R., Cynarski W.J. (2001), Modern Budo creators: Kano, Funakoshi, Ueshiba, "Ido Movement for Culture", vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 384-395 [in Polish].
7. Sasaki T. (2009), Budo (the Martial Arts) as Japanese Culture: The outlook on the techniques and the outlook on the human being [in:] W.J. Cynarski [ed.], Martial Arts and Combat Sports: Humanistic Outlook, Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszow, pp. 12-19.
For other bibliographic notes:
1. Abstract of a conference presentation
Pawelec P. (2022), Martial Arts on Wikipedia Views. Trends in Period 2015-2022 [Conference presentation abstract], 5th World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts, October 13–15, 2022, Rzeszow, Poland, (access Sep. 2024).
2. Published Dissertation or Thesis
Gutierrez García C. (2004), Introduccion y desarrollo del judo en Espana (de principios del siglo XX a 1965): el proceso de implantacion de un metodo educativo y de combate importado de Japon, Doctoral dissertation, Universidad de Leon, Leon [in Spanish].
3. Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis
Gutierrez Garcia C. (2004), Introduccion y desarrollo del judo en Espana (de principios del siglo XX a 1965): el proceso de implantacion de un metodo educativo y de combate importado de Japon, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Universidad de León, León [in Spanish].
After the title of the dissertation, it may be added under whose supervision the work was written, i.e. the name of the professor who supervised it. For example: under the supervision of Prof. A. Kowalski.
The provision of information, freely by anyone contributing to the preparation of a publication (content-related, material, financial etc. input) is proof of the ethical attitude of the researcher, and of high editorial standards, and is an indication of both good practice and social responsibility.
In order to counteract the phenomenon ofghostwriting, we need information about you under 'Author's Contribution' in detail, covering the following categories:
A - Study Design
B - Data Collection
C - Statistical Analysis
D - Data Interpretation
E - Manuscript Preparation
F - Literature Search
G – Funding Sources.
Conflicts of interest and other problems. Any cases of duplicate publication, plagiarism, fabricated data, ghostwriting/guest authorship, etc. are indications of scientific dishonesty and all such cases will be exposed and appropriate institutions will be informed. Our Editorial Office will obtain information on sources of financing of a publication, financial contributions by research institutions or scientific associations and any other relevant details (financial disclosure). Authors should disclose any financial arrangement they may have, at the time of submission.
Review process. Registered manuscripts are sent to independent experts for scientific evaluation. We encourage authors to suggest up to five potential reviewers (excluding co-authors, collaborators and professionals from the same centre/institution or of the same nationality), but we reserve the right to make the final selection. Some weeks after submission of the manuscript, the authors will receive the reviews. The comments and suggestions made by the reviewers should be addressed and closely followed. The purpose of the review is to provide an expert opinion regarding the quality of the manuscript. The reviews supply authors with feedback on how to improve their manuscript so that it will be acceptable for publication.
Acceptance. The review process in our Journal is confidential (double-blind review) – the author and the reviewer are anonymous to each other. Submitted manuscripts are accepted for publication after positive feedback from the independent reviewers. Reviewers are asked to carefully assess the submitted papers in writing (questionnaire provided by Editorial Office) and include a definite conclusion on whether the article should be published.
Authors must enclose information about the author (affiliation, education and scientific degrees and titles, place of work, possible advancement and connection with the psychophysical practices of the East, main scientific interests), e-mail or mail address, statement acknowledging the genuineness of the text and agreement to publish it in the "Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology". We do not make any payments (either to authors or evaluators). By publishing in the journal, authors transfer the copyright on published papers to the publisher.
Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements set out in the guidelines (the Publishing Regulations) will be immediately returned to the authors for correction. During revision of the manuscript, the Editor will contact the first author or the one in charge of correspondence.
Manuscripts should meet the general requirements and include:
full names (first name, middle-name initials), and last names of all authors with the contributions of the author and each co-author (A-G); no names of co-authors will be published unless their contributions are indicated;
authors' affiliations;
full address, phone number, e-mail of the corresponding author must be given;
the article title;
information on financial support.
Structured abstract (up to 250 words); then the Body text (Introduction, Method or Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Sources, References, Appendix).
Introduction should contain the theoretical background, hypothesis and specific aim of the study or (in the case of a review) the purpose of the article. Authors should briefly introduce the problem, particularly emphasizing the level of knowledge about the problem at the beginning of the investigation.
Methods should describe clearly the selection of observational or experimental subjects including controls, such as age, sex, inclusion and exclusion criteria, randomization and masking method, etc. The protocol of data acquisition, procedures, investigated parameters, methods of measurements and apparatus should be described in sufficient detail to allow other scientists to reproduce the results. Names of, and references to established methods should be given. References and brief description should be provided for methods that have been published but are not well known, whereas new or substantially modified methods should be described in detail. The statistical methods should be described in detail to enable verification of the reported results. In reports on experiments on human subjects, it should be indicated whether the procedures followed in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation.
Results should summarize the findings concisely and reasonably. Restrict tables and figures to the number needed to explain the argument of the paper and assess its support. Emphasize only important observations.
Discussion should include interpretation of study findings, and results considered in the context of results in other studies reported in the literature. The discussion should confront the results of other investigations especially those quoted in the text.
Conclusions should be linked to the goals of the study.
Tables. Do not submit tables as photographs. Number tables consecutively in order of their first citation in the text, and supply a brief title for each. Choose suitable SI (metrics) units. Figures (graphs, diagrams), Photos and/or Maps should be drawn professionally. Photographs must be sharp and delivered in high-quality electronic format. The resolution of colour images should also be at least 300 dpi. High quality films can be added as illustration.
Abbreviations and Symbols. Use only standard abbreviations. The full term should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.
Sources (if we need the list). References (or other sources, too) – as described above. Appendix (e.g. an important document).
Single space manuscript text using 2.5 cm margins on all sides, and Times New Roman, 12-point type, British (or American) English, SI units.
Full names of all authors with the contributions of each author and co-author identified under the following categories: A–G. No names of co-authors will be published unless their contributions are indicated.
Information on financial support.
The structured abstract (as outlined above).
4 to 6 key words.
Figures, tables, photos, films or maps.
Full address, phone number, e-mail of the corresponding author
Submit all materials electronically
Suggest 3 to 5 potential reviewers' names, their affiliations, and e-mails
Letter of permission to reprint figures or tables, or text (if applicable)
Authorship Statement.
Manuscripts should be sent directly to the Editorial Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). For important matters please contact the Editor by email. All cooperation is welcome.
"Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology" Editorial Office, ul. Zawale 49A/5, PL - 38-100 Strzyżów, Poland.
After acceptance – the stadard publication fee is USD 300.
Publisher account (for transfers in USD) that takes over the publishing of our Journal - "Akademia Yoshin" (Yoshin Academy): Address: ul. Zawale 49a/5, 38-100 Strzyżów, Poland
Bank account: IBAN: PL 15 1240 2672 1787 0011 2487 5608, SWIFT: PKO PPL PW
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“Ido Movement for Culture”: Journal of Martial Art Anthropology
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Reviewer Form
“Ido Movement for Culture”: Journal of Martial Art Anthropology
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