Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abdallah Achour Junior Abdorreza Eghbal Moghanlou Abdul Muiz Nur Azmi Abdulaziz Khamidjonov Abel Figueiredo Adam Feizrel Linoby Ronny Linoby Adam Fryc Adam Linoby Adam Marek Adela Dvorackova Adela Ruzickova Adrian De la Rosa Adrian Piorko Adrian Wasik Agata Kotowska Agata Petecka Agita Abele Agnieszka Maciejewska Agnieszka Palys Agnieszka Szybisty Agung S. Perdani Ahmet Sanioglu Ajit Kumar Behura Akemi Abe Akram Abdulakhatov Alan Hetherington Alan Santos Oliveira Alcides J. Scaglia Alejandra Hernando-Garijo Alena Bukova Alena Skotakova Alessa Leiliane Bueno Souza Alex G. Channon Alex Harley Crisp Alex Ojeda-Aravena Alexandra Folle Alexandre Bulhoes-Correia Alexandre J. Drigo Alexandre Janotta Drigo Alexandre Velly Nunes Alfonso Lopez Diaz-de-Durana Alfonso Vargas-Macias Alfredo Tucci Ali asghar Amiripanah Ali Md Nadzalan Ali Mohammad Rezaei Ali Tatlici Alicja Bohusz-Dobosz Alina Perederiy Alina Volodymyrivna Perederiy Almeida, Barbara Schausteck de Amanda I. S. RIBEIRO Amandio B. S. Graca Amel Mekic Amin Kordi Yoosefinejad Amna Javed Ana C. Zimmermann Ana Carolina B. Brizzi Ana Rosa Fachardo Jaqueira Anatolii Tsos Anatoliy Kokhanevich Ander Jimenez-Landazuri Anderson Caetano Paulo Anderson Carlos Marcal Andre M. Capraro Andre Rodrigues de Mesquita Andre Rodrigues Maciel Andreia Cristiane Carrenho Queiroz Andres A. Castro-Zamora Andres Armas Alejo Andrew Clark Andrey Vorontsov Andriy Chernozub Andrzej Andrusiewicz Andrzej Blady Andrzej Czop Andrzej Dabrowski Andrzej Kedra Andrzej Mazur Andrzej Mroczkowski Andrzej Ochal Andrzej Pawlucki Andrzej Sadej Andrzej Smolen Andrzej Stepnik Andrzej Szmajke Andrzej Szyszko-Bohusz Aneta Tendelska Anibal M. de M. Neto Anibal M. De Magalhaes Neto Anna Andrusiewicz Anna Dluzewska Anna Gniezinska Anna Makarczuk Anna Obszynska-Litwiniec Antenor Barbosa Calandrini de Azevedo Antonio Ammendolia Antonio Carlos Tavares Junior Antonio Francisco Almeida Cardoso Antonio Garcia-Hermoso Antonio M. VencesBrito Antonio Renato Pereira Moro Antonio Tessitore Antonio Vences de Brito Antonio VencesBrito Ariel Custodio de Oliveira II Arlindo A. Baiao Junior Armando Monterrosa Quintero Armando Monterrosa-Quintero Armin Mikos von Rohrscheidt Arseny Tarabanov Arthur Persio Azevedo Arthur Pinto Magno Artur Litwiniuk Arun Korhan Attambayintavida Vinodan Attila Borbely Augusto Rembrandt Augusto Rembrandt Rodriguez-Sanchez Badger Forrest-Blincoe Bambang Hermansah Bannach Malgorzata Barbara Suchcicka Baris Sentuna Barlomiej Walczak Bartlomiej Czarnota Bartosz Solinski Bayram Ceylan Beata Wolska Belmiro F. De Salles Belmiro Giordani Pinho Bergun Merıc Bıngul Bhattacharya Puneet Bianca Miarka Bibi Sakira Zaman Bilgehan Baydi Blach Wieslaw Bodo Blumentritt Bogdan Kindzer Bogdan Mytskan Boguslaw Sawicki Bohdan M. Mytskan Bojan M. Jorgic Boleslaw Budziaszek Boris Touretski Breno G.A.T. Cabral Breno Guilherme de Araujo Tinoco Cabral Bruna Thamyres Ciccotti Saraiva Bruno Couto Pena Bruno Follmer Burak Tas Candra Widyastuti Cansel Cumbur Carl De Cree Carlo Porcedda Carlos Alberto Vargas Barrientos Carlos Antonio Feu Galiasso Carlos Eduardo Costa Carlos Gutierrez García Carlos Gutierrez-Garcia Carlos Henríquez-Olguín Carlos Montero Carretero Carlos Silva Carolina Cirino Carolina Pardo Cassandra M. Seguin Catarina Covolo Scarabottolo Caterina Pesce Cedomir Cvetkovic Ceren Z. Ergin Cezary Kusnierz Cezary Osiel Chang Liu Changxin Luo Charles Nardelli Chatterjee Sridip Cheondal Kwon Chirosa Ríos, Ignacio Christian Emmanuel Torres Cabido Christiane Carvalho Faria Cilene Oliveira Feu Galiasso Cinthya Luiza Rezende Oliveira Ciro J. Brito Ciro Jose Brito Clare Humberstone Clare Kelly-Lahon Claudia M. B. Andrade Claudio Borba-Pinheiro Claudio Joaquim Borba-Pinheiro Claudio Marcelo Tkac Claudio S. Da Silva Clementina Mihailescu Cleonir Caldeira Junior Coral Falco Coralie Arc Chagnaud Coralie Arc-Chagnaud Corrado Lupo Cristian Martinez Salazar Cristiano R.A. Barreira Cristina Cortis Cristina Menescardi Cristopher Ibieta Cristyan Devanir Martins Dagmara Sądecka Daichi Yamashita Dalton de Lima-Junior Damian Czachowski Dan Iulian Alexe Daniel A. Marinho Daniel Aloisio Frezza Daniel Arvidsson Daniel C. Pereira Daniel G. da S. Machado Daniel Memmert Daniele Detanico Danilo Cortozi Berton Dany A. Sorbazo Sotto Dany Alexis Sobarzo Soto Dany Alexis Sorbazo Soto Dariusz Bialoszewski Dariusz Boguszewski Dariusz Gierczuk Dariusz Mosler Dariusz Mucha Darlan Perondi David Barbado David Brunn David Curby David Gonzalez-Cutre David H.K. Brown David Hortiguela David Liska Dayanne da C. Maynard Deivison Soares Meninea Denis de Lima Greboggy Denis Foster Gondim Denis Volskiy Deny Pradana Saputro Destter Alacks Antonietto Devi Tirtawirya Diane M. Culver Diego Alves dos Santos Diego Giulliano Destro Christofaro Diego Ignacio Valenzuela Perez Diego Ignacio Vanenzuela Perez Dietmar Schmidt Dihogo G. de Matos Dihogo Gama de Matos Dimitris Damigos Dimyati Ding-Yi Wu Dino Belosevic Dirceu Ribeiro Nogueira da Gama Djoko Pekik Irianto Dominique Brizin Dorota Ambrozy Dorota Ortenburger Dorota Pawlik Drazen Cular Dusan B. Peric Dusan M. Stupar Dusan Peric Dusana Augustovicova Dusana Cierna Dymytrii Nikonorov E, Widya Handayani Earone Mhico Sigua Ebrahim Hosseini Ebubekir Bakan Edi Setiawan Edison Duarte Eduarda Elisa Martins Amaral Eduardo Alvarez Eduardo Cervello Eduardo Gonzalez de la Fuente Eduardo Guzman-Munoz Eduardo Jorge Valente Eduardo Macedo Penna Edyta Niziol-Babiarz Elnaz Sanati Elzbieta Cynarska Elzbieta Hubner-Wozniak Emanuela Pierantozzi Emeka Aniago Emerson Franchini Emilian Zadarko Erdinc Sıktar Eric Margnes Erica S. das Neves Erika Hansson Ernie Leong Yen Lee Escobar Molina, Raquel Eser Aggon Esteban Aedo Munoz Esteban Aedo-Munoz Esteban Ariel Aedo Munoz Esteban Ariel Aedo-Munoz Estelio Henrique Martin Dantas Eugenio Izquierdo Evandro Ramos Lima Evdokiya Drazina Evrim Cakmakci Ewa M. Kobylecka Ewa Malchrowicz-Mosko Ewa Polak Ewaryst Jaskolski Ewelina Niemiec Ewelina Slyk Fabiana D.G. Reis Fabio G. Laginestra Fabio Pereira Martins Fabricio J. Milan Fabricio Madureira Barbosa Farizal Imansyah Farruh Ahmedov Farshad Emami Farzaneh Dargi Fatemeh Hajiani Fatih Sani Felipe de Padua Gomes Felipe Guimaraes Teixeira Felipe J Aidar Felipe J. Aidar Felipe Jose Aidar Martins Felipe Poblete-Valderrama Felix Romero Feng Qiang Feriche Fernandez-Castanys, Belen Fernanda G. Souza Fernando L. Pinto Ferreira Fernando Dandoro Castilho Fikrat Kerimov Francisco Luís Santos do Nascimento Francisco Verdugo Frantisek Havlík Franz Strauss Frazaneh Yazdani Frederico Sander Mansur Machado Froher Ahmadi Fumiaki Shishida Fuminori Nakiri Furkan Ozturk Gabriel Szajna Gabriel Vicentini Gabriela Caroline Rodrigues Silva Gelcemar O. Farias Gennadii Arziutov George Jennings Georgiy Korobeynikov Geraldi Novian Giancarlo Condello Giole Coccia Giulia Ceccarelli Gongbing Shan Goran Gojkovic Goran Kuvacic Grzegorz Bielec Grzegorz Dominik Bielec Grzegorz Kozdras Grzegorz Lech Grzegorz Przybylski Grzegorz W. Wroblewski Guilherme Arnaldo dos Anjos Gobbo Guilherme Kioshi Yamanaka Guilherme S. Pinheiro Gun Do Kim Guobin Dai Guodong Zhang Gurcan Unlu Guru Shabad Khalsa De Santis Gustavo Andre Pereira de Andrade Gustavo C. Mousinho Halil Taskin Halina Zdebska-Biziewska Hamid Arazi Hanna Vehmas Hansen Li Hasan Daneshmandy Hasan Khoshnoodi Hassan Melki Hassan Soror Aboelwafa Hazim Samsudin Heidi F. Jancer Helmut Kogel Heloiana K. C. Faro Henk van der Pazen Henning Eichberg Henrique P. Neiva Henrique Santos da Silva Henryk Kos Herbert Bruns Heribert Czerwenka-Wenkstetten Hernandez García Hidemasa Nakamura Hiromi Tomita Hisyam Che Mat Hossein Soltani Howard Z. Zeng Hrvoje Karnincic Hrvoje Sertic Hudson F.P. Nunes Hyo Jung Kang Hyunmin Choi Ideraoluwa Lawal Ignacio Astrain Igor A. Voronov Igor Malinskiy Ihor Bohdan Ihor Kukurudziak Ihor Robak Ilham Ilham Arvan Junaidi Ilija Jorga Ilma Sabrina Barbosa da Silva Ingrid B. F. Dias Irena Martinkova Irena Momola Irina Kriventsova Irina Smoliar Irineu Loturco Iris D. Mota Iryna Svistelnyk Isaac Estevan Ismael Forte Freitas Junior Ismail Ilbak Israel T. Costa Italo Sergio Campos Iuliia Pavlova Ivan Ilnytskyi Ivan Segedi Ivanna Bodnar Ivanna Korobeinikova Ivo Jirasek Ivo L. Muller-Junior Iwona Mostek Jacek Cynarski Jacek Gajewski Jacek Kulpinski Jacek Stodolka Jacek Wasik Jacques Cremieux Jader Sant’Ana Jady Zaidi Hassim Jakub Grzegorz Adamczyk Jakub Jasek Jakub Sciranka Jakub Sikora James Lee-Barron Jamiaton Kusrin Jan Junger Jan Novak Jan Ozdzinski Jan Slopecki Jan Supinski Jan Szmyd Janez Vodicar Janusz Jaworski Janusz Tracewski Jaqueline S. S. Lopes Jaromir Grymanowski Jaroslava Argajova Jaroslaw Walczak Jaroslawv Maslinski Javier Brieva-Ortega Javier Courel-Ibnez Jean Sallantin Jean-Louis Monino Jennifer Allen Jeremy P. Loenneke Jerzy Grygiel Jerzy Kosiewicz Jerzy Kulasa Jerzy Rut Jim Parry Jindrisika Kohoutkova Jindriska Kohoutkova Jitka Cihounkova Jitka Koprivova Joanna Basiaga-Pasternak Joanna Femiak Joanna Skowron Joao Paulo Lopes-Silva Joao Tomas Joao Victor da Costa Alecrim Joaquin Piedra Johan Andres Robalino Salinas John A. Johnson John Clements John Forrest John Johnson Jolanta E. Kowalska Jonar Martin Jonar T. Martin Jonatas Deivyson Reis da Silva Duarte Jonatas Deivyson Reis de Silva Duarte Jonatas Ferreira da Silva Santos Jong-Hoon Yu Jorg-Michael Wolters Jorge Cancino Lopez Jorge Carlos Lafuente Jorge Lafuente Jorge Mario Gomez Quintero Jorge Nelson da Silva Junior Jose A. Olivio Junior Jose Alfredo Olivio Junior Jose Claudio Jambassi Filho Jose J. G. de Almeida Jose Manuel Garcia Garcia Jose Maria Yague Jose Raimundo Fernandes Jose Saragoca Joseph Iesue Joseph Lobo Joseph Luc Joshua Cruz Joyce Karen Lima Vale Jozef Berglez Jozef Lipiec Jozef Simenko Juan Pablo Castaneda-Gomez Juan Pedro Fuentes-Garcia Jujur Gunawan Manullang Julia Volodchenko Juliana Brandao Pinto de Castro Julinamary Parnabas Julio Cesar Bassan Julio Cesar Carvalho Rodrigues Julio Cezar Biccas Viana Julio Wilson Dos-Santos Juliusz Migasiewicz Juliusz Piwowarski Juscelino Araujo Zampiere Filho Jusik Park Justyna Baginska Justyna Glinska-Wlaz Justyna Lenik Jymmys Lopes dos Santos Kahraman Gedik Nesl Karine Naves de Oliveira Goulart Karol Gorner Karolina H. Przednowek Karolina Kostorz Karsten Ovretveit Katarzyna Piasecka Katarzyna Rutkowska Katarzyna Sochacka Katarzyna Sterkowicz-Przybycien Katarzyna Trybala-Zawislak Katarzyna Wlodyka Katarzyna Zalewska Katerina Kolarova Katerina Lutonska Kazimierz Krupa Kazimierz Obodynski Kazimierz Witkowski Kazuhiko Kuboyama Keith Lyons Keith R. Kernspecht Keith Sato Urbinati Kenichi Yumoto Kentaro Tai Keveenrick Ferreira Costa Kevin Tan Kiko Leon-Guzman Kiyoshi Ito Klaus Moegling Klaus-Peter Stollberg Komarudin Komarudin Kotaro Fujiyama Kruszewski Artur Kruszewski Marek Kruszewski Michal Krystyna Strycharz Krzysztof Kasicki Krzysztof Kubala Krzysztof Polok Krzysztof Przednowek Krzysztof Sas-Nowosielski Krzysztof W. Jankowski Krzysztof Warchol Kuo Xu Kuzmicki Stanislaw Kuzminska Agnieszka Kyongmin Lee Kyungwon Jung Ladislav Mesaric Larissa R. Galatti Laura Capranica Lauren M. Griffith Lauren Miller Griffith Leandro A. P. Santos Leandro C. Mazzei Leandro Carlos Mazzei Leandro T. Floriano Lech Jaczynowski Lee Kwan Meng Lenka Berankova Lenka Matejova Leonardo Gomes Goncalves Leonardo Mamede Ferreira da Cruz Leonardo S. Fortes Leonardo Scarano Dualiby Pinto de Souza Leonardo Vidal Andreato Leonid Podrigalo Lesia Korobeinikova Lesia Korobeinikova, Lesia Korobeynikova Leszek Antoni Szmuchrowski Leszek Siekanski Lidia Sekowska Lillian Beatriz Fonseca Lindsei Brabec Mota Barreto Ling Shao Lisheng Xie Liudmyla Serdiuk Ll Mohamad Rahizam Abdul Rahim Lothar Sieber Lu An Luana Edla de Lima Lucas Bet da Rosa Orssatto Lucas Fernando Alves e Silva Lucas Guimaraes-Ferreira Lucas L.J. Wiggers Lucas Oliveira Fernandes da Costa Lucie Veithova Ludmila Adyrkhaieva Luigi T. Bercades Luis Branquinho Luis C. O. Goncalves Luiz Carlos Marques Vanderlei Luiz Francisco Camilo Junior Luiz G. D. Dos Santos Lukasz Blach Lukasz R. Cynarski Lukasz Rydzik Lukasz Szafraniec Lukasz Wiater Lupo Corrado Lyubomyr Vovkanych M.E. Winarno Maciej Brozyna Maciej Huzarski Maciej Kijowski Maciej Luczak Maciej Rachwal Macio Getirana Mota Made Agus Dharmadi Madina Ergasheva Magdalena Jakubowicz Magdalena Kunysz Mahnaz Shayestehfar Maicon R. ALBUQUERQUE Maicon Rodrigues Albuquerque Makoto Saito Malgorzata Marc Malgorzata Okupnik Malgorzata Pujszo Malgorzata Skrzeta Mandra Janep Mani Izadi Manon Niesten Mansour Eslami Manuel F. De La Cruz-Ortega Marc Louis Marcelo A. Oliveira Marcelo Castro Marcelo Moreira Antunes Marchi Junior, Wanderley Marcin Kudlacz Marcin Obodynski Marcin Urbaniak Marcio V. A. Verli Marco Antonio Ferreira dos Santos Marcos Antonio Lopes Marcos Antonio Pereira dos Santos Marcos Matabuena Rodríguez Marcos P. V. C. Pereira Marcos P.V.C. Pereira Marcos Rogerio Marcelino Souza Marek Adam Marek Kazimierczak Marek Kluszczynski Marek Napierala Maria Antonio Castro Maria Bulatova Maria Emilia Soares Possa Maria Eugenia Garcia-Sottile Maria Fedkiv Maria Greganova Maria L. T. Alves Maria Merino Fernandez Maria Perrino Pena Maria Sadowska Maria Teresa Gomez-Alonso Maria Teresa Stampi Maria Tereza Silveira Bohme Maria Zadarko-Domaradzka Marian Malikowski Marian Rzepko Marie Blahutkova Mariia Roztorhui Marilia P. M. Tavares Marina Saldanha da Silva Athayde Marinho Esteves Moreira Junior Mario A. Rodrigues-Ferreira Mario Baic Mario C. Marques Mariusz Druzbicki Marko Erceg Markus Raab Marta Kabara-Dziadosz Marta Motow-Czyz Marta Niewczas Marta Zubiaur Martin Bugala Martin Sebera Martin Zvonar Maryan Petrovych Pityn Maryan Pityn Marzo E. da S. Grigolleto Masahiko Kimura Masaki Nakano Masamitsu Ito Matej Babic Matej Ipavec Mateusz Nowak Matteo Giacometti Mauricio Barramuno Medina Mauricio Saez Fuentes Mayra N. M. de Lima Małgorzata Janusz Mehran Khodabandelou Mei Cheung Meng Feng Mia Clapp Michael Buchegger Michael Buchhold Michael E. Santos Michael Emru Tadesse Michael J. Ryan Michael Santos Michaela Hassmann Michal Jasny Michal Lenartowicz Michal Petr Michal Szymanski Michal Tomaszewski Michal Vagner Michal Vít Michel Calmet Michele Andrade de Brito Mieke Pelzer Miguel Barbera-Inocencio Miguel Saavedra García Mike Billman Mikel Perez Gutierrez Mikel Perez-Gutierrez Milan B. Nesic Milan Duricek Milan Nesic Milorad Dokmanac Milos Stefanovsky Minho Kim Miodrag Drapsin Mir Hamid Salehian Miranda Leon, M Teresa Mircea V. Muntean Miriam Kalichova Miroslav Slizik Miroslaw Mrowka Miroslaw Ponczek Miroslaw Smaruj Mirzohid Mirzolim Misaki Iteya Mitsuru Nakamura Mohad Anizu Mohd Nor Mohamad Nizam Mohamed Shapie Mohamad Rahizam Abdul Rahim Mohamed Sami Bouzid Mohammad Ali Boostani Mohammad Hassan Boostani Mohd Ghazali Taib Mohd Helme Basal Mohd Noorazlan Ab Aziz Mohd Shahid Elias Mohsen Kazemi Mohsen Noori Mohsen Tabesh Mojca Doupona Topic Mondal Samiran Monica Yuri Takito Monika Binkowska-Bury Monika Drozd Monika Nawrocka Monika Slezak Muhamad Afiq Asbullah Muhammad Muhyi Muhd Ithar Haziq Mohd Hakim Mulyana Mulyana Murat Ozan Mustafa Sakir Akgul Mykola Latyshev Mykola Nosko Myroslav Dutchak Nagoor Meera Abdullah Naiara Ribeiro Antonietto Naoya Maekawa Nasru Syazwan Nawai Nasuka Natalia Bielikowa Natalia Komarnicka Natalie de Almeida Barros Nataliia Bashavets Natalya Boychenko Nathalia Pereira Neda Boroushak Ni Clark Ni Luh Putu Spyanawati Nikola Mijatov Nobuyoshi Hirose Noel Adrian Castillo Noorzaliza Osman Nor Fazila Abd Malek Norma A. Borbon-Castro Nur Ikhwan Mohamad Nurcan Kılıc Baygutalp Nurtekin Erkmen Nurul Fadhilah Abdullah Nusret Ramazanoglu Oktay Cakmakci Olcay Zeynep Feride Oleg Kokun Oleksandr Fotujma Oleksandr Pryimakov Oleksandr Vaniuk Oleksandr Volodchenko Oleksandr Zhirnov Olexsandr Halashko Olga Rovnaya Olha Borysova Olha Romanivna Zadorozhna Olha Zadorozhna Oliveira Sergio Roberto de Onur Kaya Osmar Pinto Neto Otto Barak Pablo Valdes-Badilla Padial Puche, Paulino Paolo Pagaling Patrik Drid Paul van Oers Paula Avakian Paula Velloso Breviglieri Paulo A. AMARAL JUNIOR Paulo Coelho de Araujo Paulo F. Almeida-Neto Paulo Francisco de Almeida-Neto Paulo H. C. MESQUITA Paulo Henrique Caldeira Mesquita Paulo Jorge Martins Paulo M.S. Dantas Paulo Moreira Silva Dantas Paulo R. L. Alves Paulo Saez-Madain Paulo Victor Mezzaroba Pavel Ruzbarsky Pavol Bartik Pavol Masaryk Pawel A. Piepiora Pawel Adam Piepiora Pawel Januszewicz Pawel Jasinski Pawel Kowalski Pawel Krol Pawel Ostrowski Pawel Pakosz Pawel Piepiora Pawel Rut Pawel Swider Pawel Zembura Paweł Piepiora Pedro Orihuela Peter Clarys Peter Ha Petrus M. D. Gantois Phoebe A. Grandfield Pietro Krauspenhar Merola Piotr Klimowicz Piotr Telesz Piotr Toczyski Piotr Zieminski Przemyslaw Pawelec Przemysław Pawelec Przybylski Grzegorz Pujszo Ryszard Purnima Lenka Pyskir Jerzy Pyskir Malgorzata Radoslaw Laskowski Radoslaw Malikowski Radovan Hadza Rafael Arriaza Rafael C. S. Mocarzel Rafael Gomes dos Santos Rafael Herling Lambertucci Rafael Lima Kons Rafal Kolodziej Rafal Przybycien Rafal Rowinski Rafal Rzany Rahman Javanmardi Raissa Pinheiro de Campos Raminder Kaur Prette Ramon Llopis-Goig Raphael Benassi Raphael Fabricio de Souza Raphael Mendes Ritti-Dias Raquel Escobar-Molina Raquel K. Nascimento Raquel S. Mendes-Netto Rastislav Styriak Raul Merinero Rebekah Jane Parkes Recep Gursoy Renata C. Matos Renata Grzywacz Renato Trusz Renhui Feng Rezian-Na Muhammed Kassim Rezvan Khazaee Ria Lumintuarso Ricardo Ferraz Ricardo Joao Sonoda Nunes Ricardo Lopez-Garcia Ricardo Luis Fernandes Guerra Richard L. Light Robert Bak Robert John Parkes Robert Kerstajn Roberta A.A.G. Vianna Roberto Ruiz-Barquin Roberto Simao Rodrigo Astudillo Pinilla Rodrigo C. de M. Pedreiro Rodrigo Freire de Almeida Rodrigo Gomes de Souza Vale Rodrigo Gustavo da Silva Carvalho Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo Rodriguez-Sanchez Roland J. Habersetzer Roland J. Maroteaux Roman Svantner Romuald Wlodyka Romulo Fernandes Antonaccio Roney Fraga Souza Rosa M. Cruz-Castruita Roskova Miroslava Roza Gumienna Rozita Abdul Latif Rubem Dario Pulgarin Rudolf Jakhel Rumpis Agus Sudarko Ryszard Makarowski Ryszard Pujszo Ryszard Zdanowicz Saeed Khatamsaz Saeid Parandavarfard Sally J. Bromley Salvatore Chiodo Samantha Duncan Samo Rauter Samuel Duran-Aguero Samuel Verges Sandra S. Radenovic Sanko Lewis Sasa Krstulovic Satoshi Shimizu Savvas Mastrappas Scharles Fonseca Sean M. Flynn Sebastian Gomez-Lozano Semiarto A. Purwanto Semsudin Mujanovic Sergej Ostojic Sergejs Saulite Sergey A. Dneprov Sergey Matveev Sergey Tabakov Sergii Iermakov Sergij Kuryluk Sergij Kurylyuk Sergio Mor-Stabilini Sergio Raimondo Sergio Roberto de Oliveira Sergio Rodrigues Moreira Sergiy Maksymenko Serhii Nikitenko Serhii Vyshnevetskyi Serhiy Smyrnovskyy Sethumadhavan Meera Severino Leao de Albuquerque Neto Shawn R. Bryant Shingo Matsumoto Shuchang Liu Silvester Liposek Simone Ciaccioni Siswantoyo Yoyok Siti Nazariah Abdul Razak Slavko Obadov Slawomir Drozd Slawomir Kownacki Slawomir Tyszkowski Sonja H. Bickford Sonoda-Nunes, Ricardo Joao Soraia C. Saura Soslan Adyrkhaiev Sruangporn Satchapappichit Stanislaw Cieszkowski Stanislaw Kowalczyk Stefan Kocan Stefan Leitmann Stefan Stojanovic Stefania Lunardini Stefania Skowron-Markowska Stepanchenko Nataliya Ivanivna Stephanie Allen Sulaiman Sungku Sim Sunjang Lee Susan Kim Susan Manuel Sven R. Hooge Sylwester Czopek T. Julian Chu Tabecki Rafal Tadeusz Ambrozy Tadeusz Jasinski Tajul Arifin Muhamad Takashi Abe Taketo Sasaki Tanja Kajtna Taras Danko Tatiana Pawlowa-Starosta Tatianny de M. Cesario Tatjana Trivic Teresa Pop Tetiana Mytskan Tetiana Odynets Thabata C.B. Telles Thiago de Fonseca Farias Pimenta Thiago Seixas Duarte Thiago V. Ferreira Thierry Paillard Thomas A. Green Thomas A. Stoffregen Tianbi Lei Tihomir Vidranski Tomas Herrera Valenzuela Tomas Herrera-Valenzuela Tomas Kordik Tomas Vespalec Tomas Vodicka Tomasz Bochnak Tomasz Gora Tomasz Hajdrych Tomasz Maczuga Tomasz Piasecki Tomaz Zakrajsek Tomoliyus Tony Mickelsson Blomqvist Torres Luque, Gema Toshihiro Takezawa Tsutomu Fujinami Tu Chuan-fei Udo Moenig Ugur Akalp Uladzimier Lukievic Umberto Cesar Correa Uriy Sergienko Urszula Supinska Valentyna Todorova Valerio Garrone Barauna Valeriy Goloha Valery P. Krasilnikov Vali Nouzari Vali Nowzari Valmir Oliveira Silvino Varley T. Costa Veerle De Bosscher Veli Volkan Gurses Veronika Busol Vicente Gil Victor Cardenes Victor Machado Reis Victor Silveira Coswig Victoria Kovalchuk Victoria Mishchenko Vincent Parnabas Vinicius Flavio Milanez Vit Zahradnicek Vitaliy Novak Vitor Moura Campos Vojtech Kotrba Vyacheslav Romanenko Víctor Diaz Narvaez Vítor Alberto Valadas Rosa Waclaw Petrynski Wagner Andrade Zaccani Wahidah Tumijan Waldemar Sikorski Walfran Silva Santos Wanderley Marchi Junior Wendell Lima da Silva Weronika Stodolka Wesley R. Belo Wided Ben Messaoud Wieslaw Blach Wieslaw Chwala Wieslaw Wajs Wil Munsters Wilker da Silva Tavares William Acevedo William Alex Edmonds Willy Pieter Wladimir Lukiewicz Wlodzimierz Starosta Wojciech Bajorek Wojciech Blazejewski Wojciech Czajkowski Wojciech Czarny Wojciech J. Cynarski Wojciech Krupa Wojciech Pasterniak Wojciech Rusek Wojciech Wasacz Wojciech Wasik Wojciech Zablocki Xiang-Qian Xu Yahya Yildirim Yalcin Tukel Yeliz Pinar Youji Kohda Yrui Tropin Yun Li Yunus Emre Ilbak Yuriy Arkadiyovych Briskin Yuriy Briskin Yusandra Md Yusoff Yusuf Buzdaglı Zareha Zenal Zbigniew Barabasz Zbigniew Borysiuk Zbigniew Bujak Zbigniew Czajkowski Zbigniew Dziubinski Zbigniew Krawczyk Zbigniew Norbert Piepiora Zbigniew Obminski Zbigniew Sawicki Zbigniew Staniak Zdenko Reguli Zdzislaw Chrominski Zhang Guodong Zhen Hao Zeng Zheng Guo-hua Zhu Weimo Zoryana Semeryak Zulezwan Ab Malik Zulfiia Mamatova Şukru Serdar Balci
-do suffix (1) | . (1) | 3D scanning (1) | 75 years of sport activity in fencing (1) | ACS self-defence system (1) | ADHD (1) | AIESEP (2) | APEL (1) | ATK (1) | Aikido (1) | Arains (1) | Arnis (1) | Aryas (1) | Aryo-Slavic languages (1) | Asian Games (1) | Auckland (1) | BMI (1) | Bayern (Bavaria) (1) | Bewegung (1) | Body Mass İndex (1) | Borderland (1) | Brazil (2) | Brazilian (1) | Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (1) | Brazilian art form (1) | Brazilian jiu-jitsu (2) | Brazilian jiujitsu (1) | Brazilian martial art (1) | Bruce Lee (1) | Bruce Lee Kung Fu style (1) | Bubishi (1) | Buddhism (1) | Budo (2) | Budo Teacher (1) | Budo charter (1) | Budo teaching (1) | Budo-Pedagogy (1) | Bushido (4) | Bushido Philosophy (1) | Byung Jick Ro (1) | COVID-19 pandemic (1) | CRM (2) | Capoeira (1) | Carbon-shinai (1) | Carpathian Euroregion (1) | Central Europe (1) | China (1) | China: symbolic anthropology (2) | Chinese martial art (1) | Chinese martial arts (6) | Chinese traditional exercises (1) | Chinese wrestling (1) | Christianity (3) | Chronicle (5) | Ch’ang Hŏn Taekwon-Do (1) | Civil Guidance Offices (1) | Codes of Conduct (1) | Concept 5S (1) | Concept Kaizen (1) | Confucianism (1) | Consciousness (1) | Corporation sports (1) | Coubertin’s idea (1) | Customer Relationship Management (1) | Cynarski's conception (1) | Czajkowski's theory (1) | Czajkowski’s theory (1) | Czerwenka-Wenkstetten (1) | DDBU (1) | Daeshik Kim (1) | Denmark (3) | Distributional Justice (1) | Dubai (1) | E.O. Wilson (1) | EASS (4) | ECSS (1) | EJKC (1) | EMG signal (1) | EWTO (1) | Early Slavs (1) | East Asia (1) | East and West (1) | Eastern systems of health and education as the part of school curriculum (1) | Editorial (14) | Eichberg’s theory (1) | Europe (2) | European Union (1) | European fencing schools (1) | European karate (1) | FCM simulations (1) | FMS (1) | Family (1) | Far East (1) | Far-Eastern ideas (1) | Far-Eastern martial arts (4) | Filipino (1) | Filipino cultural heritage (1) | Filipino martial arts (1) | Finland (1) | Franz Strauss (1) | General Adaptation Syndrome (1) | General Choi Hong Hi (1) | Gichin Funakoshi (1) | Golden Horseshoe (1) | Golden Score (1) | Gong Fu (1) | Grand Master (2) | Great Crown (1) | Greco-Roman wrestling (1) | Gubitz model (1) | Hegel’s philosophy (2) | Hierarchy (1) | Hispanic-Americans (1) | Historical European Martial Arts (1) | Holistic Pedagogy (1) | Holland school (1) | Humanistic Theory of Martial Arts (4) | Hussitism (1) | IASK (2) | IJF (1) | IMACSSS (14) | IPA (7) | ISSA (1) | ISSSS (1) | Ido (1) | Idokan (8) | India (1) | Indo-Europeans (1) | Indonesia (2) | Indonesian cultur (1) | Integrated System for Personal Defense (I.S.P.D.) (1) | Interactional Justice (1) | International Olympic Committee (1) | International Physical Fitness Test (1) | International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) (3) | InternationalTaekwon-Do Federation (ITF) (1) | Iron Age (1) | JAB (2) | Jacek Wysocki (1) | Japan (9) | Japanese Academy of Budo (1) | Japanese judo culture (1) | Japanese martial arts (1) | Japaneseness (1) | Jerzy Kosiewicz (1) | Jigoro Kano (1) | John Amos Comenius (1) | John Paul II (3) | Ju-jitsu (1) | Judo (2) | Judo Kodokan Review (1) | Julen Uralov (1) | K-1 (1) | K. Lorenz (1) | KFI (1) | Kalaki (1) | Kansai (1) | Karate (1) | Karate-do (1) | Karate1 (1) | Karol Swierczewski (1) | Katorishinto-ryu (1) | Kazimierz Obodynski (1) | Kendo-gu (1) | Kenji Tomiki (1) | Kenpo Karate (1) | Kenya (1) | Kickboxing (1) | Kindene (1) | Kinship (1) | Knowledge Management (1) | Kodokan (1) | Korea (3) | Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA) (1) | Korean folk games (1) | Korean martial arts (1) | Korean wrestling (1) | Kukkiwon (1) | Kyokushin karate (1) | Kyokushinkai (1) | Kyokushinkai karate (1) | Kyusho Justu (1) | L. Sieber (1) | LESS (1) | LGBTIQ (1) | LOC (1) | LZS coaches (1) | LZS instructors (1) | Lechia (1) | Legia Warsaw (1) | Lekhs (1) | Lesser Poland (1) | Lothar Sieber (1) | Lviv (1) | MMA (1) | Maenpo Cikalong (1) | Malay (1) | Malay Silat (1) | Malaysia (1) | Malbork (1) | Maori (2) | Martens’s test (1) | Martial Arts (2) | Meditation (1) | Megoak-goakan (1) | Men (1) | Men-buton (1) | Men-gane (1) | Mexico (1) | Middle-earth (1) | Minoru Mochizuki (1) | Movement for Culture (1) | Muay Boran (1) | Muay Thai (2) | Mudo (martial way) (1) | Munenori Yagu (1) | Musashi Miyamoto (1) | Muscle Strength Dynamometer (1) | Musul (martial technique) (1) | Muyae (martial artistry) (1) | New Zealand (1) | No-Do (1) | Notion of House (1) | Okinawa (1) | Olympic (2) | Olympic Committee (1) | Olympic Games (11) | Olympic Taekwondo (1) | Olympic career (1) | Olympic education (1) | Olympic games (1) | Olympic movement (1) | Olympic sport (1) | Olympic wrestling (1) | Olympism (1) | Organizational Citizenship behavior (1) | Organizational Justice (1) | Osaka (1) | Outward Bound (1) | P300 (1) | PE teacher (1) | PSS (1) | Pahlavani and martial arts (1) | Peace Studies (1) | Peaceful Warrior (1) | Pencak Silat (1) | Performance (1) | Plum Blossom boxing (1) | Poland (4) | Polish Federation o f Oyama Karate (1) | Polish books (1) | Polish castles (1) | Polish coast (1) | Polish coins (1) | Polish fencing school (1) | Polish knights (1) | Polish martial art (1) | Polish society (1) | Polish tradition (1) | Pope Francis (1) | Procedural Justice (1) | Protector & Scoring System (PSS) (1) | Protector and Scoring System (PSS) (1) | Przeworsk Culture (1) | Putin (1) | Putrajaya (1) | P’algwae (1) | Q methodology (1) | Qajar Period (1) | RAE (1) | RSI (1) | Renaissance (1) | Rhytmus (1) | Rhytmus des Kampfes (1) | Roman Catholic Church (1) | Russia (1) | SAMSAQ-EU (1) | SARS-CoV-2 (1) | STAXI (1) | Sarmatian (1) | Sarmatism (1) | Schule L. Sieber (1) | Scythian fortified settlement (1) | Scythian warrior (1) | Scyths (1) | Seiryoku zen’yō kokumin taiiku (1) | Serbia (1) | Serra da Capivara National Park (1) | Shaolin (1) | Shaolin temple (2) | Shigeru Oyama (2) | Shinai (1) | Shorinji kempo Group (1) | Silat Melayu (1) | Slav (1) | Slovakia (1) | Sokol (2) | Spanish society (1) | Special Forces (1) | Sports law (1) | Star Excursion Balance Test (1) | Stillstand (1) | Systemic Constellations (1) | T point scale (1) | Tae-Kwon-Do (1) | Taekwondo (2) | Taekwondo Pedagogy (1) | Tai Chi (1) | Taiji (1) | Tanaka's theory (1) | Taoism (1) | Tehran Zurkhaneh (1) | Thai boxing (1) | Thailand (1) | Theory of Genetic Immortality (1) | T’aegŭk (1) | Ukraine (1) | United Nations (1) | United World Wrestling (1) | Universal State of Consciousness (3) | VO2max (2) | Vacation School of Lipnice (1) | Vatican (1) | Vienna Test System (1) | Viseu (1) | WAKO (1) | WJJC (1) | Wayne State University CerebralConcussion Tolerance Curve (WSTC) (1) | Web of Science (1) | West (1) | West Java (1) | Western dualism (1) | Wing Tsun (2) | WingTsun (1) | Wingate test (1) | Wojciech Cynarski (1) | Wojciech J. Cynarski (2) | Won Kuk Lee (1) | World Congress (1) | World Karate Federation (3) | World OyamaKarate Organization (1) | World Taekwondo (WT) (1) | WorldTaekwondo (WT) (1) | Y Balance (1) | Y-Balance Test (1) | YMAA (1) | Yang Jwing-Ming (1) | Yoseikan (1) | Yugoslavia (1) | Z. Czajkowski’s biography (1) | Zagłębie region (1) | Zbigniew Czajkowski (2) | Zen tradition (1) | a culture of pluralism (1) | a culture of spare time (1) | a fight with civilization’s threats (1) | a resignation of globalizaton and neoliberal system (1) | a way of the warrior (1) | abilities (2) | ability (1) | academic (1) | accelerator of expansion (1) | accomplishment (1) | achievement motivation (1) | acl (1) | active teaching methods (1) | active tourism (1) | activity (1) | activity of the organization (1) | actor (1) | acupuncture system (2) | adaptive capacities (1) | adaptive readiness (1) | adaptive-compensatory reactions (1) | adept of the martial arts (2) | administration (1) | adolescence (1) | adolescent (2) | adolescents (1) | advertising (1) | aerobic activity (1) | aerobic capacity (1) | aerobic exercise (1) | aerobic performance (1) | aesthetics (1) | afterschool program (1) | age (1) | age categories (2) | aggression (9) | aggression in sports (1) | aggressive behavior (1) | aggressive behaviors of sportsman (1) | aggressiveness (3) | agility (1) | aiki-bujutsu (1) | aikibudo (1) | aikido (8) | aikido for children (1) | aikijutsu (1) | aikijutsu takeda-ryu (1) | aims (1) | air displacement plethysmography (1) | alienation (1) | allround entertainer (1) | alpine counter-culture (1) | alternative medicinal practice (1) | ambush marketing by association (1) | ambush marketingby intrusion (1) | amusement (1) | anaerobic (1) | anaerobic capacity (3) | anaerobic fitness (1) | anaerobic power (1) | analyses of successful actions in competitions (1) | analysis (2) | analysis of take-off actions (1) | ancient olympic games (1) | and air (1) | anger (1) | animation (1) | anniversary (1) | anthropological features (2) | anthropological regression (1) | anthropology (12) | anthropology of martial arts (2) | anthropometric (1) | anthropometric characteristics (1) | anthropometric evaluation (2) | anthropometric measurement (1) | anthropometric profile (1) | anthropometry (3) | anti-Polonism (1) | anti-hero (1) | antioxidant enzyme activity (1) | anty - Hussite crusades (1) | anxiety (3) | application (3) | application of technique (1) | archeology (1) | archery (1) | archetype (1) | archetype of warrior (1) | architecture (1) | area of knowledge (1) | arm techniques (1) | arms (1) | arm’s using art (1) | art (1) | art of defence (1) | art of medallist (1) | art of war (1) | art therapy (1) | arterial hypertension (1) | article (1) | ascetic way (1) | asceticism (1) | asiatisation (1) | assessment (2) | assessments (1) | association (2) | associations (1) | associative networks (1) | asymmetry (1) | atemi (striking) (1) | athlete (3) | athletes (8) | athletes’ satisfaction (1) | athletic performance (10) | attitudes (4) | attractiveness (1) | authenticity (1) | authonomy of science (1) | authorization (1) | autism (1) | autobiographical narration (1) | autocorrelation (1) | autoethnographic study (1) | axio-normative order (1) | axiology (7) | axionormative perspective (1) | badge (1) | balance (6) | balance of nervous processes (1) | bamboo sword (1) | bandalchagui (1) | barriers (1) | barriers to development (1) | basic professional activities of a coach (1) | basketball (1) | beginner coaches (1) | behavior (2) | behavioral-rational curriculum design (1) | behaviours (1) | bencao (1) | bench press (1) | bibliographic description (1) | bibliography (2) | bibliography of fencing (1) | bibliometric analysis (2) | bibliometrics (4) | bibliometry (1) | biochemistry (1) | biology (1) | biomechanical parameters (1) | biomechanics (5) | biomechanics of a fall (1) | biomechanics of falling techniques (1) | biomechanics of martial arts (1) | blood lactate (1) | blood pressure (1) | bo-jutsu (1) | bodily democrac (1) | body (2) | body and mind (1) | body composition (4) | body culture (3) | body fat (1) | body mass (1) | body posture (1) | body symmetry (1) | bone density (1) | bonifre performances (1) | book (2) | border situation (1) | borderlands (1) | bouts (1) | boxer (1) | boxing (7) | boxing fight (1) | boys (1) | brain (1) | bravery (1) | braving the elements of earth (1) | buddhism (1) | budo (18) | budo practice (1) | budo sport (1) | budoy systems of teaching (1) | bushido (2) | business psychology (1) | cabinet (1) | canon of ethics (1) | capital (1) | capitalism (1) | capoeira (7) | car tourism (1) | carbohydrate (1) | career (1) | career choices (1) | carnality (1) | case study (3) | cataloguing (1) | categories (1) | causes of change (1) | cavalry (2) | chain of connections (1) | chair (1) | champions (1) | change of regime (1) | change of tasks and ways of conducting exercises in various stages of training (1) | changes (2) | changes in application of technical and tactical skills in different stages of fencer’s training (1) | characteristics of attacks (1) | chess (1) | children (2) | children and young people (1) | children upbringing (1) | chivalrous ethos (1) | chivalry (1) | chlorophyll pedagogy (1) | choice reaction (1) | choice reaction time (1) | choir (1) | choreography of scenes of fight (1) | circadian rhythm (1) | circuit-based exercise (1) | circulatory system diseases (1) | citizenship (1) | citrulline-malate (1) | civil community (1) | civilisation (2) | civilisation-related diseases (1) | civilization and its threats (1) | classical fencing (1) | classical schools (1) | classical wrestling (1) | classification (2) | classroom management (1) | close combat (2) | clubs (1) | coach (2) | coach development (1) | coach education (1) | coaches (3) | coaches co-operation (1) | coaches interpersonal skills (1) | coaches’ leadership abilities (1) | coaching (13) | coach’s tasks in the first stage of training (1) | coach’s work (1) | cochesion (1) | code of ethic (1) | cohesion developing influence (1) | color of equipment (1) | combat (3) | combat logic (1) | combat sport (12) | combat sports (99) | combat system (2) | combat systems (3) | combat training (1) | combative oppositions (1) | combative pushes (1) | combative sports (1) | combatives (4) | combatives bare knuckle (1) | combatology (1) | commercialization (1) | commitment (1) | common/own techniques (1) | communication (2) | community (1) | comparative historical method (1) | compensatory exercises (1) | competition (13) | competition analysis (1) | competition anxiety (1) | competition rules (1) | competition’s theory (1) | competitive and non-competitive athletes (1) | competitive sport (1) | competitors (1) | competitor’s (1) | component part of sensory-motor responses (1) | component parts of fencer’s training (1) | computer analysis of movement (1) | computer science (1) | concentration (1) | concept (1) | concept of budo (1) | concurrent training (1) | concussion (1) | conditioning (1) | conference (12) | conference trip (1) | conferences (14) | configurations (1) | conflict algebra (1) | conflict cycle (1) | conflicting zones (1) | congress (4) | congress tourism (1) | conscious warrior (1) | consciousness (2) | constitution (2) | contact play (1) | contact sport (1) | contact sports (1) | contact zones (1) | contemplative tourism (1) | contemporary olympic games (1) | content (1) | content analysis (1) | contents and motivation in the first stage of training (1) | contextual training (1) | continuous exercise (1) | control (3) | cooperation (1) | cooperation between coach and athlete (1) | cooperation between organizations (1) | cooperative learning (1) | coordination (1) | coordination abilities (1) | coordinative ability (1) | core exercises (1) | corporeality (1) | correlation (1) | cortisol (1) | cosmic symbolism and nature (1) | counter movement jump (1) | countermovement jump (1) | counteroffensive efficiency (1) | country performance (1) | court decision analysis (1) | creating attitudes (1) | creative images (1) | creativity (2) | crisis (1) | crisis and antinomies of civilization (1) | cue (1) | cult of power (1) | cultural anthropology (2) | cultural appreciation (1) | cultural aspects (2) | cultural attractions (1) | cultural context (1) | cultural dialogue (7) | cultural dialogues (1) | cultural evolution (1) | cultural exchange (1) | cultural exchanges (1) | cultural heritage (1) | cultural heritage of sport (1) | cultural influences (1) | cultural manifestation (1) | cultural patterns (1) | cultural security (1) | cultural studies (2) | cultural tourism (11) | culturally ritualised body experience (1) | culture (8) | culture of limiations (1) | culture sciences (1) | cure-demolition ambiguity (1) | curriculum (2) | cushioningperformance (1) | dance (2) | dangerous combat (1) | death (2) | decision making (4) | decision time (1) | deep ecology (1) | defence actions (1) | defensive efficiency (1) | definition (1) | dehydration (1) | delayed video (1) | democracy (2) | department (1) | depression (1) | descriptive analysis (1) | destination marketing (1) | development (2) | development the fencing as a sport (1) | developmental deficits (1) | diabetes (1) | diabetology (1) | dialectic (1) | dialogue (3) | dialogue of cultures (1) | dictionary (1) | didactic (1) | diet (1) | dietary supplement (1) | different forms of fencer’s training (1) | differentiation (2) | difficulties in physical (1) | direct preparation for participation (1) | directions of development (1) | disciplinary spaces of culture (1) | discipline (2) | discourse (1) | division criteria (1) | documentary analysis (1) | documentation (1) | dojo (2) | dollyo chagi (1) | dollyuchagi (turning kick) (1) | domain (1) | drama (1) | drug usage (1) | dual career policies (1) | duel (1) | duets (1) | dummy (1) | duometr plus (1) | dynamic stability (1) | eastern martial arts (1) | eccentric force (1) | eco-sociology (1) | eco-sports (1) | ecogastronomic tourism (1) | ecologism (1) | ecology (3) | economic effects (1) | economic reforms (1) | economy (2) | editorial requirements of scientific journals (1) | editorial staff (2) | education (9) | education of children (1) | education of instructor staffs (1) | education of the martial arts adept (1) | education through sports training (1) | education to value (1) | educational influences (1) | educational system Idokan (1) | educational tourism (2) | educative value (1) | effectiveness of attacks (1) | effectiveness of counterattacks (1) | effects (1) | effects control (1) | efficiency of attacks (1) | efficiency of rhythm (1) | effort (1) | effortless sports training (1) | effortless training (1) | elderly (1) | electrodermal activity (1) | electromyography (1) | electronic body protector (1) | elicitive conflict transformation (1) | elite athlete (1) | elite athletes (2) | elite sports (1) | elite wrestlers (1) | emblems (1) | embodiment (2) | emersiology (1) | emotion attitudes (1) | emotional adjustment (1) | emotional andbehavioural problems (1) | emotional state (1) | emotions (1) | emotions and personality (1) | emotions in sport activities (2) | emperor (1) | empiricism (1) | endocrinology (1) | endurance strength (1) | enjoyment (1) | enterprise culture (1) | enterprise growth theory (1) | entrepreneurship (1) | ergogenic aids (1) | escrima (1) | esoterism (1) | esports (1) | essence (1) | estimation using the measurement (1) | ethic codes (1) | ethical code in tourism (1) | ethical codes (1) | ethical level (1) | ethics (17) | ethos (8) | etology (1) | etos (1) | euroregions (1) | evaluation (2) | evaluation measurement (1) | evaluation of Budo-concepts to reduce violence (1) | events (12) | evolution (1) | excessive culture (1) | exercise (1) | exercise test (1) | existentialism (1) | experiential education (2) | expert (2) | expert-professor title (1) | experts (3) | experts’ opinion (1) | explosive strength (1) | extragovernment organisations (1) | extra­curricular activities (1) | extremal sports (1) | factography (1) | fair play (3) | fairness (1) | fall prevention (1) | falls (1) | fans (1) | fascination of the East (1) | fatty tissue (2) | feature outstanding distinctive (1) | features (1) | fellowship (1) | female (3) | feminism (2) | fencing (21) | fencing coach’s work andleadership styles (1) | fencing duelssmall sword (1) | fencing fighting with sword and lances (1) | fencing history (1) | fencing lesson (1) | fencing lunge (1) | fencing manuals (1) | fencing psychology (1) | fencing technology (1) | fencing with foil (1) | fencing with sabre (1) | fencing with the rapier (1) | festival (2) | field evaluation (1) | field test (1) | field testing (2) | fight (3) | fighters (1) | fighting (8) | fighting art (1) | fighting arts (19) | fighting genre (1) | fighting skills (1) | fighting sports (3) | fighting tactic (1) | fighting technique (1) | fighting women (1) | fights (1) | film & TV (1) | fitness (4) | flexibility (1) | flexibility test model (1) | flogging-duel (1) | flogging-meet (1) | folk sports (2) | folklore (2) | food supplementation (1) | foot (1) | foot support (1) | football players (1) | force (1) | force diagnostics (1) | force plate (1) | force production (1) | force ratio (1) | forest-steppe circle of Scythian cultures (1) | formality (1) | fortified sites (1) | free style wrestling (1) | freeloading (1) | front kick (1) | front leg kicking techniques (1) | fudo dachi (1) | function and disfunction of tourism (1) | functional asymmetry of brain (1) | functional preparedness (1) | functions of sports clubs (1) | fundamentals (1) | funeral archaeology (1) | futuwwa (1) | fuzzy cognitive maps (1) | galvanic skin response (1) | game (2) | games (2) | gayung fatani (1) | gender (4) | gender differences (1) | gender identity (1) | genealogy (1) | general methodology (1) | general philosophy (1) | general theory (3) | genetic immortality (1) | genetic memory (2) | genetics (1) | geography of sport (1) | gi-hoh (riai: a physical aspect) (1) | girls (1) | gladiatorism (1) | global sociology (1) | globalisation (2) | globalization (9) | globalization process (1) | go (1) | goal (1) | golden score (1) | gongfu (1) | goth (1) | gothic (1) | gothic aesthetics (1) | gothic convention (1) | grappling (3) | green sports (1) | grip endurance (1) | grip strength (1) | grosz (1) | ground fighting control (1) | ground reaction force (2) | group connectedness (1) | growth (2) | growth mechanism (1) | guo shu (1) | gymnastics (1) | habitus (1) | hairstyle (1) | haka (1) | hamstring muscles (1) | hamstrings (1) | hand body manipulation (1) | hand strength (1) | hand-to-hand combat (2) | hand-to-hand fighting (1) | handball (1) | handgrip strength (1) | hands (1) | hapkido (1) | hapologroup R1a1a (1) | head injury (1) | headgear (1) | healing (3) | health (6) | health education (1) | health management (1) | health sciences (1) | health-related behaviours (1) | heart rate (5) | height (1) | heredity (1) | heritage (1) | heritagization of sport (1) | heroes (1) | high grades race (1) | high normal blood pressure (1) | high performance (1) | high-intensity interval training (1) | high-intensity intervaltraining (1) | high-performance coaches (1) | higher education (2) | himalaism (1) | hip-hop (1) | historic sources (1) | historical background (1) | historical castles (1) | historical combatives (1) | historical perspective (1) | historical truth (1) | history (20) | history and activities (1) | history of martial arts (1) | history of self-defence (1) | holism (1) | holistic approach (3) | holistic pedagogics (1) | holistic pedagogy (2) | homo creator nobilis (1) | homo moralis (1) | homohysteria (1) | homophobia (1) | honbu (1) | honorary code (1) | honour (1) | hoplology (1) | horse – racing (1) | hostility (1) | human head impact tolerance curve (1) | human movement (1) | human way (1) | humanism (1) | humanist (1) | humanist perspective (1) | humanistic approach (1) | humanistic paradigm (1) | humanistic perspective (1) | humanistic reception (1) | humanistic reflection (1) | humanistic theory of martial arts (1) | humanistic theory of sports and martial arts (1) | hussars (2) | hwa (harmony) (1) | hybrid body (1) | hybrid conference (1) | hygiene (1) | hypogastric breathing exercises (1) | hypohydration (1) | hypothesis (2) | hysteresis (1) | hyŏng (1) | iaido (3) | identity (2) | identity and specificity of system (1) | ideologisation (1) | ido (1) | image (1) | imagery (1) | images (2) | immortality of organisms (1) | immunity (1) | immunoglobulin (1) | impact force (2) | improvisation (1) | incidence of injuries during trainings or competitions (1) | incorrect practice of coaches (1) | indexes (1) | indices (1) | indigenous (1) | indigenous population of the west Siberia (1) | individual selfregulation style (1) | individual sports (2) | individualization (1) | individually - self determinants of aggression (1) | infantile (1) | inflammation (1) | influence (1) | influence of anxiety and fear on athletes’ activity (1) | information (1) | information processes (1) | information processing (1) | information readiness (1) | information society (1) | injuries (1) | injury (3) | inner Kampf (1) | innovation (1) | inspiratory warm-up (1) | institution (3) | institutional structures (1) | institutionalisation (1) | institutionalization (1) | institutions (1) | instruction of falls (1) | integrated learning (1) | integrated medicine (1) | intention (1) | intercultural relations (1) | interdisciplinary dialogue (1) | intermittent exercise (1) | internal dimension (1) | internal load (1) | internal power (1) | international (1) | international collaboration (1) | international competition (1) | international scientific cooperation (1) | interpersonal relationship (1) | interview method (1) | inter­cultu­ral education (1) | introductory stage of training (1) | invented tradition (1) | ipia-agba (1) | ischiocrural muscles (1) | isokinetic (1) | isokinetic muscle test (1) | isokinetic strength (1) | jintai (1) | jiu jitsu (1) | job predisposition (1) | job satisfaction (1) | joint position sense (1) | journal (1) | journals (1) | ju-jitsu (3) | jubilee (1) | judging (1) | judo (40) | judo combat (1) | judo combats analysis (1) | judo fight (1) | judo match analysis (1) | judo special fitness test (1) | judo sports schools (2) | judo techniques (1) | judo throws (1) | judo training (1) | judo-do (2) | judo-specific tests (1) | judoists (1) | judoka (1) | judokas (4) | jujitsu (1) | jujutsu (16) | jujutsu martial art (1) | jujutsu technique (1) | jump (1) | jumping ability (1) | junior Pencak Silat athletes (1) | kalarichikilsa (1) | karate (39) | karate Tsunami (1) | karate kata (1) | karate-do (4) | karatedo (2) | kata (5) | kendo (2) | kenjutsu (2) | kenpo (1) | kick-boxing (2) | kickboxers (1) | kickboxing (3) | kicking (2) | kicking time (1) | kicking velocity (1) | kicks kinematics (1) | kihon kata (1) | kinaesthetic anthropology (1) | kinanthropology (1) | kinanthropometry (1) | kineasthesio-metry (1) | kinematical analysis (1) | kinesiological potential (1) | kinesiology (5) | kinetic chain (1) | kinetic stability (1) | kinetics (1) | kinetics of the punch (1) | knight (1) | knight's ethos (1) | knightly order (1) | knightly traditions (1) | knights (1) | knowledge (2) | knowledge management (1) | knowledge popularization (1) | ko-ryu (1) | kobudo (3) | koishiki katas (1) | kokutsu dachi (1) | kumite (2) | kung fu (2) | kung-fu film (1) | kurash (1) | kuzushi (1) | kyoksul (1) | kyusho (1) | laboratory evaluation (1) | labyrinth (1) | lactate (3) | lactic acid concentration (1) | lance (1) | landscape planning (1) | language (1) | language of culture (1) | language of sport (1) | leaders (2) | leadership (1) | leadership abilities (1) | leadership coaching style (1) | leadership in sport (1) | leadership styles (1) | leadership styles in sport team (1) | leadership theories (1) | learning (2) | learning theory (1) | leg techniques (1) | legal status (1) | leisure (1) | letters (2) | leukocyte count (1) | level of activness in sparring (AL) (1) | levels of mastery (1) | license (1) | life (1) | life history (1) | life of Jigoro Kano (1) | life satisfaction (1) | life-style (1) | lifelong physical activities (1) | lifestyle (2) | lifestyles (1) | linear (1) | linear acceleration (2) | lipid disorders (1) | live actors (1) | live decision making (1) | liveactors (1) | living history tourism (1) | living tradition (1) | lobbing (1) | logic (1) | lower limbs (1) | lung capacity (1) | ma-ai (distance) (1) | makimono (scroll) (1) | male (1) | management (4) | manner of fighting (1) | marketing (1) | martial (1) | martial art (10) | martial artist (1) | martial arts (238) | martial arts and combat sports (1) | martial arts film (2) | martial arts history (1) | martial arts identification (1) | martial arts people (5) | martial arts philosophy (2) | martial arts science (1) | martial arts shows (1) | martial arts sport (1) | martial arts studies (5) | martial arts tourism (15) | martial arts’ people (3) | martial courage (1) | martial culture (1) | martial knowledge (1) | mass and consumptive culture (1) | mass culture (1) | mass media (4) | master (1) | master ranks (1) | masters (1) | mastery (3) | mastery in budo (1) | match analysis (1) | match demands (2) | match duration (1) | material basis (1) | meaning of budo (1) | means (1) | measure (1) | measurement (1) | medals (1) | media analysis (1) | medical management (1) | medical staff (1) | meditation (2) | meetings on the way (1) | membership (1) | memorization (1) | mental (1) | mental competency (1) | mental endurance (1) | mental health (1) | mental toughness (1) | mental training (2) | metabolism (1) | metaphysics (2) | method (1) | methodics (1) | methodics of schooling (1) | methodology (6) | methodology of teaching (1) | methods (1) | methods of evaluation (1) | methods of weapon control (1) | military culture (1) | military defence engineering (1) | military ethos (1) | military system (1) | military tourism (1) | military training (1) | mind-body techniques (1) | mindfulness (1) | mixed martial arts (2) | mobile applications (1) | modelling of power training (1) | models of training (1) | modern Olympic Games (1) | modern device (1) | modern jujutsu throws (1) | modern pathologies (1) | modesty (1) | monetary policy (1) | monitoring (2) | monuments (1) | moral and spiritual progress (1) | moral crisis (1) | moral culture (1) | moral relativism (1) | moral values (1) | moral way (1) | moral ways (1) | morality (3) | morality and values (1) | motion analysis (2) | motion control (1) | motivation (5) | motivational factors (2) | motivational incentives (1) | motivational readiness (1) | motivational structure (1) | motivations (3) | motives (2) | motor abilities (2) | motor co-ordination abilities (1) | motor control (4) | motor coordination (1) | motor development (1) | motor learning (1) | motor skill (1) | motor skills (1) | motor tourism (1) | motorical abilities (1) | motorics (1) | mountain bike (1) | move duration (1) | movement (1) | movement abilities (1) | movement analysis (1) | movement culture (5) | movement for culture (1) | movement patterns (1) | mudo (martial way) (1) | multicriteria analysis (1) | multidimensional medicine (1) | multiple choice time responses (1) | multiple intelligences (1) | muscle damage (1) | muscle endurance (1) | muscle injury (1) | muscle mass (1) | muscle power (1) | muscularity (1) | musculoskeletal physiologicalphenomena (1) | museum (1) | mushin (1) | musul (martial technique) (1) | muyae (martial artistry) (1) | mythical roots (1) | mythology (1) | names (2) | narrative interwiew (1) | national character (1) | national estate (1) | national fencing schools: Austrian (1) | national fencing schools: Freuch (1) | national fencing schools: Hungarian (1) | national fencing schools: Italian (1) | national fencing schools: old-Polish (1) | national sport (1) | nationalism (1) | nature (1) | nature of consciousness (1) | necessary defense (1) | need (1) | need-based theories (1) | needs (1) | negative changes (1) | negative influence of culture on performance (1) | negative phenomenons of the sport science (1) | neo-tribes (1) | neoplastic diseases (1) | neuroanatomical correlations (1) | neurochemical secretion (1) | neurodynamical peculiarities (1) | neurodynamics characteristics (1) | neurohormonal homeostasis (1) | neuromodulation (1) | neurotrophic mechanism (1) | new bibliography (1) | new books (1) | new hoplology (1) | new paradigm (2) | new pedagogics (1) | new philosophy of man (1) | new publications (7) | newsreels (1) | niche tourism (1) | nobility (2) | noble values (1) | nominal national sport of Korea (1) | non-classic logics (1) | non-competitive (1) | non-formal education (1) | non-invasive brain stimulation (1) | nonlinear (1) | normative and universal normative ethics (1) | norms (1) | not-undergoing changes – state (2) | noumenon (1) | numismatics (3) | nursing care (1) | nutrients (1) | nutrition (1) | obesity (2) | object and methods philosophical (1) | observation (1) | occupational therapy (1) | offense and defense (1) | offensive efficiency (1) | olahraga (1) | oleatoric stage concept (1) | olympic movement (1) | online teaching (1) | openness to experience (1) | opponent's feeling (1) | opposition game (1) | optimal experience (1) | optimum theory (1) | oral history (1) | order (1) | organisation (3) | organisations (1) | organization (4) | organizational development (1) | organizational forms (1) | organizations (3) | origin (1) | other orientations (1) | outstanding humanists (1) | overweight (1) | palliative care (1) | pandemic (1) | paradigm (1) | paradox (1) | parasite marketing (1) | parliament (1) | participants of theanimation programmes (1) | participation (1) | parts of training (1) | pathways of teaching (1) | patterns (1) | pause (1) | peace education (1) | peace-building (1) | peak torque (1) | pedagogic discourse (1) | pedagogical of sport (1) | pedagogical property (1) | pedagogics (2) | pedagogy (8) | pedagogy of life (1) | pedagogy of sport (2) | pedagogy of theory (1) | penalties (1) | pencak silat (3) | people's health (1) | perception (3) | perception and choice of action in fencing bout (1) | perceptions (1) | performance (14) | performance analysis (7) | performance anxiety (2) | performance tests (1) | performative phenomenon (1) | perimenopause (1) | personal identity (1) | personal investment (1) | personalism (3) | personalistic approach (2) | personalit (2) | personality (8) | personality of the teachers of combat sports and martial arts (1) | phaleristics (1) | phenomenal world (1) | phenomenology (3) | philately (1) | philosopher (1) | philosophical anthropology (3) | philosophical reflection on sport (1) | philosophy (15) | philosophy integration (1) | philosophy o f mastery in budo (1) | philosophy of China (1) | philosophy of Olympism (1) | philosophy of Zen (1) | philosophy of administration (1) | philosophy of martial arts (3) | philosophy of physical culture (1) | philosophy of security (1) | philosophy of sport (9) | philosophy of sports (1) | phisical culture (1) | photos (1) | physical (3) | physical activities (1) | physical activity (7) | physical competence (1) | physical conditioning (1) | physical culture (13) | physical culture sciences (1) | physical development (4) | physical dialogue (1) | physical education (21) | physical exercises (2) | physical fitness (11) | physical preparation (1) | physical therapy specialty (1) | physicality (1) | physiological and cognitive dimension of fear (1) | physiological capacities (1) | physiology (3) | physiotherapy (2) | pilgrimage (2) | pin (1) | pioneers (1) | plantar pressure (2) | play (2) | play and game (1) | pluralism (1) | political science (1) | politics (2) | poly-metabolic syndrome (1) | popular culture (1) | popularity (1) | population of 65+ seniors (1) | portal (1) | position (1) | positive changes (1) | postcolonial theory (1) | postmenopause (1) | postmodern (1) | postmodern society (1) | postmodernism (3) | postural control (2) | postural defects (1) | postural stability (1) | posture (1) | posturography (1) | potential (1) | potential possibilities (1) | power muscle (1) | practical sciences (1) | practice (2) | practitioners (1) | prana (1) | praxiology (1) | prehistoric archaeology (1) | preparatory combatives (1) | preparatory training (1) | preparedness (1) | preparing programme of training (1) | preschool age (1) | prevention (1) | primal ties (1) | primary socialisation (1) | principle of individualization (1) | principles (1) | prize-fighting (1) | proactive (1) | problem solving (1) | problems of language (1) | problems of the acquisition (1) | process of physical education (1) | professional activity (1) | professionalization (1) | professor title (1) | profile (1) | profiles of physical fitness (1) | program of teaching (1) | progress of mind and body (1) | prohibited action (1) | proprioception (1) | pro­fessional ethics (1) | pseudo-scientific jargon (1) | psychical and spiritual contusions (1) | psycho sociology (1) | psycho-motoric ability (1) | psycho-social fact (1) | psychological factors (2) | psychological injuries (1) | psychological mental toughness (1) | psychological preparation (1) | psychological profile (2) | psychological resilience (1) | psychological skill (1) | psychological skills (2) | psychology (4) | psychology of sport (1) | psychomotor skills (1) | psychoneuroimmunology (1) | psychophysiological (1) | psychophysiological state (2) | psychotherapy (1) | psycho­logical and spiritual therapy (1) | psycomotorics (1) | publications (2) | pupils (1) | purpose of the path (1) | qigong (1) | quadriceps (1) | qualitative methodology (1) | qualitative research (1) | qualitative study (1) | quality of life (1) | quality of life of cancer patients (1) | quantitative and qualitative analysis (1) | quantum physics (1) | quantum self (1) | quickness (1) | radiestetic diagnosis (1) | ram muay (1) | randori (1) | rank score (1) | ranking (2) | rapid weight loss (1) | rating of perceived exertion (2) | rationalism (1) | re-test (1) | reaction time (3) | reactive strength (1) | reactive stress tolerance (1) | real aikido (1) | real world (1) | reception (1) | recep­tion (1) | reconstruction (1) | record of the technical fighting movement (1) | recreation (3) | recreational sport (1) | referee (1) | reference group (1) | reflection (1) | refractory period (1) | regional scientific movement (1) | regression (1) | rehabilitation (2) | relationship (2) | relationships with religion and magic (1) | relative age effect (1) | relaxation (1) | relaxation and meditation exercises (1) | reliability (1) | religion (2) | repetition performance (1) | research (1) | research current (1) | research methods (1) | research procedure (1) | research progress (1) | research trends (2) | resistance training (2) | respiratory muscles (1) | response and not re-flex (1) | responsibility (1) | responsibility for the fate of the globe (1) | responsive body (1) | review (1) | riai (The rational relationship of interactive movements between oneself and the opponent. Riai aspect of a psychological and physical) (1) | risk of injury (1) | ritual (1) | ritual of movement (1) | rituals and theatre (1) | rivalry (1) | road cycling (1) | romanticism (1) | rotational acceleration (2) | roundhouse kick (1) | rugby (1) | rule modifications (1) | rules (1) | running (1) | running speed (1) | rupestrian records (1) | ryu-ha (1) | sabre (1) | sabre fencing (1) | safe combat (1) | safety (1) | safety culture (1) | safety standard for kendo equipment (1) | sagine (1) | samurai (1) | samurai symbolism (1) | sanda (1) | school (3) | school education (1) | school environment (1) | school sports clubs (1) | school systems (1) | school violence (1) | school years (1) | sciamachy (1) | science (2) | scientific (1) | scientific association (1) | scientific conference (2) | scientific conferences (2) | scientific congress (1) | scientific degree (1) | scientific disciplines (1) | scientific events (1) | scientific journal (1) | scientific journals (1) | scientific literature (1) | scientific production (1) | scientific publications (4) | scientific research (2) | scientific societies (2) | scientific tourism (4) | scientific tourist (1) | scientometrics (2) | scoring (1) | scoring scale (1) | scouting (1) | second language (1) | secondary ritualization (1) | securitology (1) | security (4) | security culture (1) | segment (1) | segmentation (1) | self-awareness (1) | self-concept (1) | self-confidence (1) | self-control (1) | self-cultivation (3) | self-def (1) | self-defence (11) | self-defense (3) | self-determination theory (1) | self-development (3) | self-efficacy (1) | self-esteem (2) | self-expression (1) | self-improvement (1) | self-realisation (1) | self-realization (2) | self-realiztion (1) | self-regulation (1) | self-talk (1) | selfesteem (1) | selfregulation (1) | semantic decomposition technique (1) | semantic field (1) | semi-structured interviews (1) | seminar (2) | semiotics (2) | seniors (2) | sense of community (1) | senses (1) | sensory-motor skills and reactions (1) | sensuous-motive answers in fighting (1) | sentimental tourism (1) | serious leisure (1) | sex (1) | sharing interests (1) | shiatsu (1) | shibu (1) | shihan Jan Dyduch (1) | shin-poh (riai: a psychological aspect) (1) | short-term memory (1) | shu-ha-ri (1) | shuaijiao (1) | shuhari (1) | signaturepedagogies (1) | silat (3) | silat practice (1) | simple ippon (1) | simple reaction (1) | skill acquisition (1) | skills (2) | skinesiology (1) | skinfold thickness (1) | small graphic forms (1) | snowshoeing (1) | soccer (1) | social (1) | social agents (1) | social and demographic characteristics (1) | social and emotional learning skills (1) | social anxiety (1) | social changes (1) | social exposure (1) | social functions (1) | social impact of tourism (2) | social isolation and withdrawal (1) | social position (1) | social prestige (1) | social reception (1) | social sciences (1) | social skills (1) | social support (1) | social therapy (1) | socialization (1) | society (2) | society direction (1) | socilogy of sport (1) | sociobiology (1) | sociology (10) | sociology of martial arts (1) | sociology of phisical culture (1) | sociology of physical culture (1) | sociology of politics (1) | sociology of science (1) | sociology of sport (7) | sociology of the economy (1) | sociology of tourism (1) | sociometry (1) | soft diplomacy (1) | soft power diplomacy (1) | somatic culture patterns (1) | somatic knowledge (1) | somatotype (4) | soro (1) | sozology (1) | sparring (1) | special educational needs (1) | special exercises (1) | special judo fitness (1) | special technique (1) | specialization of scientific pedagogy and treatments (1) | specific athletic performance (1) | specific evaluation (2) | specific fitness exercises (1) | specific metho­do­logies (1) | specific test (1) | specificity (1) | spectacular dimension (1) | spiritual (1) | spiritual development (2) | spiritual injuries (1) | spiritual training (2) | spirituality (8) | spirituality and ecology (1) | spirometry (2) | sport (31) | sport activities (1) | sport among young people (1) | sport and martial arts (1) | sport building (1) | sport combat (1) | sport competition (1) | sport culture (1) | sport diplomacy (2) | sport economy (1) | sport fans (1) | sport fencing (1) | sport first aid (1) | sport for all (1) | sport heritage tourism (1) | sport history (1) | sport holida (1) | sport in Poland (1) | sport injuries (2) | sport ju-jitsu (1) | sport kinetics (1) | sport lexemes (1) | sport management theory (1) | sport organizations (1) | sport participation (2) | sport pedagogy (1) | sport performance (3) | sport politics in Hungary (1) | sport psychology (9) | sport results (1) | sport science (3) | sport sciences (3) | sport spectacle (1) | sport team cohesion (1) | sport tourism (3) | sport training (3) | sport values (1) | sport-related injuries (1) | sport-specific test (1) | sportification (2) | sporting event (1) | sporting events tourism (1) | sportization process (1) | sports (5) | sports associations (1) | sports combat (1) | sports cross (1) | sports diplomacy (1) | sports formula (1) | sports history (2) | sports kinetics (1) | sports management (1) | sports medicine (1) | sports of combat (1) | sports performance (1) | sports psychology (4) | sports rules (1) | sports sociology (1) | sports technology (1) | sports tourism (1) | sports training (1) | sprint versus endurance test (1) | squat jump (2) | ssirŭm (1) | stage of training (1) | stages of training (1) | stamps (1) | state of security (1) | static balance ability (1) | statistic of attacks in the standing position (1) | stick fighting (1) | stick-fight (1) | stick-fighting (1) | stillness (1) | stimuli and impulses pro-ducing emotions (1) | stimulus reaction (1) | strategies for coping with pain (1) | strategy (3) | strength (5) | strength ratio (1) | strength training (1) | stress (4) | stress coping (1) | stress management (1) | stretch-shortening cycle (1) | striking (1) | striking force (1) | student sports clubs (1) | students (5) | studies (1) | study course (1) | study trip (2) | styles of conduct in sport (1) | subjective physical state (1) | success (3) | success and satisfaction mutual (1) | success index (1) | supplementation (1) | supporters (1) | sustainability (1) | sustainable development (2) | swimming (2) | sword (1) | sword-armor (1) | swordsmanshig and judo (1) | symbolic culture (1) | symbolic word (1) | symbolism (2) | symbols (2) | symmetry (1) | symposium (1) | system changes (1) | system depiction (1) | systematic review (2) | systemic approach (1) | tactic (1) | tactical preparation (1) | tactical styles (1) | tactical thinking (1) | tactical training (1) | tactics (3) | tactics and personality (1) | tactics and psycho-motor abilities in various stages of training (1) | tactics and psychology in fencing and in other combat sports (1) | tactile stimulation (1) | taekkyon (1) | taekwon-do (10) | taekwondo (15) | taekwondo athletes (1) | taekwondo industry (1) | taekwondo sparring (1) | taekwondo textbooks (1) | taekwondohistory (1) | taiji quan (1) | takedown (1) | talent identification (1) | tang soo do (1) | target (1) | task performance and analysis (3) | tattoo (1) | taxonomy (1) | teacher (1) | teaching (5) | teaching and leaming (1) | teaching content (1) | teaching method (1) | teaching methodology (1) | teaching taekwon-do (1) | team coherence (1) | team games (1) | team sports (1) | technical advancement (1) | technical and tactical training (1) | technical element (1) | technical exam (1) | technical programme (1) | technical skills (1) | technical sphere (1) | technical-tactical (1) | technical-tactical efficiency (1) | technical-tactical level (1) | technical-tactical performance (1) | technical–tactical indicators (1) | technique (2) | technique and contest tactics (1) | technology (2) | tech­nique (1) | tennis (1) | tensodynamometry (1) | terminal illness (1) | terminology (1) | test (1) | test Wingate (1) | testing (2) | tests (2) | the Absolute (1) | the Franco dictatorship (1) | the Japanese Academy of Budo (1) | the Master (1) | the Podbeskidzie region (1) | the Roman-Catholic Church (1) | the Way (1) | the West (1) | the accelerated mass preparation of armies (1) | the dark-side (1) | the estimation of start-preparing (1) | the ethics (1) | the feeling of competence (1) | the foundation of a new education-method (1) | the fundamentals of sport training (1) | the hand-to-hand combat (1) | the humanities (1) | the importance and essence of training bouts in fencing (1) | the influence of the general body-ability on the special one (1) | the influence of various types of the sensuous-motive ability on the fencers’ results in different stages of the training (1) | the kata training (1) | the mind-body exercises (1) | the mobility of the chest (1) | the police (2) | the power of faith (1) | the reason for sport activity (1) | the rule of specification and corring on the skill (1) | the scale of values (1) | the set of ability attempts (1) | the theory of sport fighting (1) | the way of budo (1) | theatre (1) | thematic tourism (1) | theology (2) | theoretical training (1) | theories (1) | theory (6) | theory of martial arts (3) | theory of physical culture (1) | theory of recreation (1) | theory of tourism (2) | therapeutic ethos (1) | therapeutic martial arts (1) | therapeutic plan (1) | therapy (1) | threats (2) | three dimensional analysis (1) | throw teaching system (1) | throwing techniques (1) | time and motion studies (3) | time-motion studies (1) | timing (1) | titles (1) | to intervene / to annotate (1) | to intervene/to annotate (1) | today’s warrior (1) | torque (1) | tourism (32) | tourism behavior (1) | tourism function and disfunction (1) | tourism motivation (1) | tourism of martial arts (1) | tourism product (1) | tourism-pilgrimage continuum (1) | tourist attractions (1) | touristic value (1) | touristic volues (1) | touristification (1) | tourists higher needs (1) | tradition (7) | traditional (1) | traditional Balinese game (1) | traditional Chinese medicine (1) | traditional games and competitions (1) | traditional karate (1) | traditional martial arts (1) | traditional sports (1) | trainer (1) | trainers (1) | trainer’s and scientist’s activity (1) | training (16) | training activity of coaches (1) | training control (1) | training effects (1) | training experience (3) | training method (1) | training of children and youth (1) | training of medical staff (1) | training of police officers (2) | training period (1) | training periods (1) | training program (1) | training protocol (1) | training session (1) | training’s theory (1) | transborder cooperation (1) | transfiguration (1) | transformation process (2) | transrational (1) | traumatology (1) | travel (2) | triple danger crisis of contemporary epoch of globalisation (1) | truth (1) | turning kick (1) | twisting (1) | types of fencers (1) | types of psychical process (1) | types or injuries in sports (1) | typology (1) | understanding (2) | uniformed services (1) | unity of life (1) | universal religions (2) | universally accessible sport (1) | university outreach (1) | university students (1) | upper limb strength (1) | urban planning (1) | urine specific gravity (1) | using knowledge of other branches of sport (1) | value orientation (1) | values (15) | values and patterns (1) | verbal defence (1) | versatility (2) | vertical jump (2) | verwindung (1) | video gaming (1) | viole (1) | violence (4) | virtual training (1) | visual factography (1) | visual impairment (1) | visual perception (1) | volume 22 (1) | volunteerism (1) | wandering (2) | war (1) | warm-up (1) | warrior (1) | warrior culture (1) | warrior edge (1) | warriors (1) | warriors pathway (1) | warrior’s path (1) | water (1) | way of life (1) | way of the warrior (1) | ways of solving conflicts (1) | waza (technique) (1) | weak points (1) | weapon (4) | weapon wielding (1) | wearable resistance (1) | weight categories (3) | weight class (1) | weight cycling (1) | weight loss (1) | well-being (1) | western civilization (1) | westernization process (1) | wholesale of Polish assets (1) | win or loss (1) | winter expedition (1) | winter sport athletes (1) | wiwikink’api’ (1) | woman (1) | women (3) | women and men (1) | women’s and men’s wrestling (1) | women’s judo (1) | won (circle) (1) | wood­craft (1) | working in a sports club (1) | workloads (1) | world championship (1) | world championships (1) | world cup (1) | wrestlers (4) | wrestling (12) | wrist (1) | wu shu (1) | wushu (1) | wuxia (1) | year 2021 (1) | yoga (1) | yoga philosophy (1) | yoshin-ryu (1) | young athlete (1) | young athlete development (1) | young athletes (1) | youth (4) | youth sport (1) | yu (water) (1) | zen (1) | zendo-ryu (1) | ‘kata’ forms (1) | 2018 (1) | 2019 (1) |