Report on the Fourth World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts under the perspective of martial arts tourism
Keywords: scientific congress, case study, martial arts, combat sports, IMACSSS
Essay on the Polish Ju-Jitsu Association’s history (1993–2018)
Keywords: combat sports, ju-jitsu, sport in Poland, organisation, association
Read more: Essay on the Polish Ju-Jitsu Association’s history (1993–2018)
The influence of karate training on preparing preschool girls for school education
Keywords: martial arts, preschool age, physical education, school
Read more: The influence of karate training on preparing preschool girls for school education
Fighting With No One: Reflections on Education, Aikido, and Peace
Keywords: transrational, elicitive conflict transformation, wiwikink’api’, verwindung, postmodern, twisting
Read more: Fighting With No One: Reflections on Education, Aikido, and Peace
Attitude towards karate among the members of the Polish Cadet representation – diagnostic survey
Keywords: martial arts, karate, values, attitudes, perception
Correlates for Arnis Participation of Philippine Junior High School Students
Keywords: Filipino, stick fighting, indigenous, national sport, combat
Read more: Correlates for Arnis Participation of Philippine Junior High School Students
Reliability and Validity of the New Judo Physical Fitness Test
Keywords: combat sports, field testing, physiological capacities, motor skills, assessment
Read more: Reliability and Validity of the New Judo Physical Fitness Test
Physical Performance, Body Composition and Somatotype in Colombian Judo Athletes
Keywords: body fat, muscle mass, aerobic performance, anthropometry, vertical jump, martial arts
Read more: Physical Performance, Body Composition and Somatotype in Colombian Judo Athletes