Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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.:History and Technical Evolution

.:The Humanities of Martial Arts

Personality of the teacher of combat sports and martial arts in the epoch of globalisation, science and technology

Keywords: triple danger crisis of contemporary epoch of globalisation, adept of the martial arts, personality of the teachers of combat sports and martial arts, responsibility for the fate of the globe

Read more: Personality of the teacher of combat sports and martial arts in the epoch of globalisation,...

.:Kinesiology of Fighting Skills

.:Tourism & Recreation

New Polish publications about self-realizational and cultural tourism – comments and remarks in a scientific description of Elzbieta Cynarska (IPA) and Kazimierz Obodynski (UR)

Keywords: cultural tourism, educational tourism, scientific publications

Read more: New Polish publications about self-realizational and cultural tourism – comments and remarks in a...

.:Reports & Reviews

.:Statistics vol. 11, no. 1 (2011)