Volume XV - 2015
"Ido Movement for Culture"
Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology
Published by Committee of Scientific Research of the Idokan Poland Association®
in Rzeszów in cooperation with University of Rzeszów.
theory of culture, psychophysical culture, cultural tourism, anthropology
of martial arts, combat sports
Japanese term ido refers to movement, philosophy of perpetual movement, the way of martial arts
and medicine of martial arts.
Movement for Culture
The Lykeion Library Edition, vol. 21, Ido Movement for Culture, vol. 15, no. 1-4
Vol. 15, no. 1-4 (2015)
Prof. AWF Dr habil. Tadeusz Ambrozy (AWF Cracow, Poland)
Prof. Dr Georg Anders (Koeln Univ., Germany)
Prof. Dr Pavol Bartik (Banska Bystrica, Slovakia)
Prof. Dr Alexander Bennett (Kansai, Japan)
Prof. Dr Boris Blumenstein (Wingate, Israel)
Dr Steven D. Capener (Seoul, South Korea)
Prof. Dr Laura Capranica (Roma, Italy)
Prof. Dr habil. Sylwester Czopek (Rzeszow, Poland)
Prof. Dr Raquel Escobar-Molina (Granada, Spain)
Prof. UR dr habil. Grzegorz Grzybek (Rzeszow, Poland)
Prof. Dr habil. Anita Hoekelmann (Magdeburg, Germany)
Prof. Dr habil. Zofia Ignasiak (Wroclaw, Poland)
Prof. Dr Rudolf Jakhel (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Dr Andrew D. Jackson (Copenhagen, Danmark)
Prof. Dr John A. Johnson (Yongin, South Korea)
Prof. Dr habil. Krzysztof S. Klukowski (Polish Acad. of Sciences, Poland)
Dr Oliver Koenig (Vienna, Austria)
Prof. Dr habil. Stanislaw Kowalik (Poznan, Poland)
Prof. UW Dr habil. Agnieszka Kozyra (Warsaw, Poland)
Prof. Dr James Lee-Barron (Lancashire, UK)
Prof. UR dr habil. Czeslaw Lewicki (Jaroslaw, Poland)
Prof. Dr Ramon Llopis-Goig (Valencia, Spain)
Prof. Dr Salome Marivoet (Lisbon, Portugal)
Dr Soumitra Mondal (Mekelle, Ethiopia)
Prof. UR dr habil. Andrzej Nowakowski (Rzeszow, Poland)
Prof. Dr Gregory Papanikos (Athens, Greece)
Dr Radim Pavelka (Prague, Czech Rep.)
Prof. Dr Nicola Porro (Roma, Italy)
Prof. Dr Raul Sanchez-Garcia (Madrid, Spain)
Prof. Dr Ales Sekot (Brno, Czech Rep.)
Prof. Dr Fumiaki Shishida (Waseda, Japan)
Prof. Dr Akitoshi Sogabe (Konan, Japan)
Dr Milos Stefanovsky (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Dr Gabriel Szajna (Rzeszow, Poland)
Prof. Dr Antonio VencesBrito (Rio Maior, Portugal)
Prof. Dr Jikkemien Vertonghen (Vrije, Belgium)
Dr Michal Vit (Brno, Czech Republic)
Prof. Dr habil. Kurt Weis (Munich, Germany)
Prof. Dr habil. Otmar Weiss (Vienna, Austria)
Prof. AWF dr habil. Kazimierz Witkowski (Wroclaw, Poland)
Prof. Dr Jong-Hoon Yu (Glenville, USA)
Prof. Dr Jiexiu Zhao (Beijing, China)
Prof. Dr Weimo Zhu (Illinois, USA)
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Ziemba (Polish Acad. of Sciences, Poland)
Prof. Dr Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko (USA) - University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (kinesiology)
Doc. Dr habil. Milan Duricek (Slovakia) - (tourism and recreation)
Prof. Dr habil. Henning Eichberg (Denmark) - University of Southern Denmark (anthropology, sociology of sport)
Prof. Dr Abel A. Figueiredo (Portugal) - Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (sport sciences, combat sports)
Prof. Dr Emerson Franchini (Brazil) - University of Sao Paulo (sport sciences, combat sports)
Prof. Dr Shaun M. Galloway (UK) - University of Wolverhampton (coaching, psychology)
Prof. Dr Thomas A. Green (USA) - Texas A&M University (cultural anthropology)
Prof. Dr Carlos Gutierrez-Garcia (Spain) - University of Leon (sport sciences, history)
Prof. Dr habil. Ivo Jirasek (Czech Republic) - University of Olomouc (philosophy)
Prof. Dr Jong-Young Lee (South Korea) - Suwon University (cultural anthropology)
Prof. Dr habil. Will Munsters (Holland) - Zuyd University, Maastricht (culturology, tourism)
Prof. Dr Willy Pieter (South Korea) - Keimyung University, Sindong-dong (sport sciences)
Prof. UR Dr habil. Mieczysław Radochonski (Poland) - University of Rzeszów (psychology)
Prof. Dr Satoshi Shimizu (Japan) - Tsukuba University (sociology)
Prof. Dr Magdy Abuzeid (Egypt) - Alexandria University (kinesiology)
Prof. Dr habil. Karl-H. Bette (Germany) - Institute for Sport Science, Technical University Darmstadt (sociology of sport)
Prof. Dr habil. Wojciech Czarny (Poland) - University of Rzeszow (physical culture sciences)
Prof. Dr Mojca Doupona Topic (Slovenia) - University of Ljubljana (sociology of sport)
Doc. Dr habil. Magdalena Duricek (Slovakia/Poland) - Wszechnica Swietokrzyska, Kielce (psychology)
Prof. PUNO Dr habil. Sven R. Hooge (Germany/UK) - PUNO London (cultural anthropology)
Prof. Dr Hannu Itkonen (Finland) - University of Jyvaskyla (sociology of sport)
Prof. Dr habil. Jan Junger (Slovakia) - University of Presov (sport and physical education)
Prof. UP Dr habil. Keith R. Kernspecht (Bulgaria) - University of Plovdiv & National Sportacademy in Sofia
(sport sciences, martial arts)
Prof. UR Dr habil. Jerzy Kitowski (Poland) - Uniwersytet Rzeszowski (economics, geography)
Prof. Dr Helmut Kogel (Germany) - University of Ulm (medical sciences, martial arts)
Prof. Dr habil. Jerzy Kosiewicz (Poland) - Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego, Warsaw (philosophy,
methodology, physical culture)
Prof. Dr habil. Marian Kozaczka (Poland) - KUL, Lublin (history, economics)
Prof. Dr habil. Zbigniew Krawczyk (Poland) - Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna "Almamer", Warsaw (sociology,
theory of physical culture, tourism)
Prof. Dr habil. Jozef Langfort (Poland) - Polish Academy of Sciences & AWF Katowice (medical sciences, sport sciences)
Prof. Dr habil. Jozef Lipiec (Poland) - Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Cracow (philosophy)
Doc. Dr Uladzimier Lukievic (Belarus) - State University of Brest (culturology, physical culture sciences)
Prof. Dr habil. Marian Malikowski (Poland) - Uniwersytet Rzeszowski (sociology, methodology)
Prof. Dr habil. Juliusz Migasiewicz (Poland) - Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego, Wroclaw (sport sciences)
Prof. Dr habil. Bohdan M. Mytskan (Ukraine) - Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk
(biology, physical culture sciences)
Prof. Dr Chen Ning (China) - China West Normal University, Sichuan (physical culture sciences)
Prof. Dr Cong Ningli (China) - Chengdu Sport University, Sichuan (physical education)
Prof. Dr habil. Wojciech Pasterniak (Poland) - Gnieznienska Wyzsza Szkoła Milenium in Gniezno (philology, pedagogy)
Prof. Dr Sergio Raimondo (Italy) - Cassino University (history, sociology)
Prof. Dr habil. Matthias von Saldern (Germany) - Univ. Lueneburg (pedagogy, martial arts)
Prof. Dr Taketo Sasaki (Japan) - Fukushima University (biomechanics, physiology, martial arts)
Prof. Dr Hrvoje Sertic (Croatia) - Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb (kinesiology)
Prof. Dr habil. Stanisław Sterkowicz (Poland) - Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego, Cracow (sport sciences, combat
sports and martial arts)
Prof. Dr habil. Włodzimierz Starosta (Poland) - Institute of Sport, Warsaw (kinesiology)
Prof. Dr habil. Andrzej Szyszko-Bohusz (Poland) - the Higher School of Humanities in Zary (pedagogy, psychology)
Prof. Dr Craig Webster (USA) - Ball State University (sociology, tourism)
Prof. Dr Howard Z. Zeng (USA) - Brooklyn College, City University of New York (sport pedagogy)
Prof. Dr Chuchchai Gomaratut (Thailand) - University of Bangkok, GM of Thai martial arts
Prof. EJKC Roland Habersetzer (France) - 9 dan karatedo, sogo-budo tengu-no michi, soke, Tengu Institute, St. Nabor (history, martial arts)
Prof. Dr habil. Keith R. Kernspecht (Bulgaria, Germany) - GM, 10th degree Wing Tsun kung-fu, 6th degree escrima (fighting, martial arts)
Prof. Dr James R. Lee-Barron (UK) - 9 dan jujutsu, hanshi, president of IMAS (education, martial arts)
Dr Roland J. Maroteaux (France) - 9 dan aikijutsu, hanshi, WTMF Avignon (philosophy, martial arts)
Prof. EJKC Lothar Sieber meijin (Germany) - 10 dan jujutsu, karate & ido, IPA & DDBV, Munich (fighting,
martial arts)
Dr Jan Slopecki hanshi (Poland) - 10 dan jujutsu, European Martial Arts Committee president, Warsaw
(physical culture, martial arts)
Prof. Dr habil. Wojciech Zablocki (Poland) - GM of fencing, IPA, Warsaw (architecture, hoplology)
Editor-in-Chief – Prof. UR Dr habil. Wojciech J. Cynarski
Co-Editor – Doc. Dr habil. Zdenko Reguli (Czech Rep.), Prof. Dr habil. Kazimierz Obodyński
Statistical Editor - Dr Wojciech Blazejewski, Prof. UR Dr habil. Beata Szluz
Assistant Editors – mgr Adrian Piórko-Pawliński, mgr Przemysław Pawelec
Proofreaders - mgr Joanna Skowron, Marjolein Thrower (UK), and Mr John Busch and Dr Gregory S. Kailian (USA)
Project of Cover – mgr Ryszard Śpiewak, mgr Adrian Piórko-Pawliński
Journal was founded with a resolution of the Idōkan Polska
Ass. Headquarters in Rzeszów, May 25, 2000.
Funding bodies:
Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Idokan
Polska Ass., with support of the University of Rzeszów
Copyright © 2012 by Committee of Scientific Research,
Stowarzyszenie Idokan Polska®, Poland
Stowarzyszenie Idōkan Polska /
Idōkan Poland Association in Rzeszów,
ul. Towarnickiego 3, PL - 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
Editorial & Publisher
(address for correspondence and submission):
Prof. UR Dr habil. Wojciech J. Cynarski,
Zawale Str. 27, PL - 38-100 Strzyżów, Poland
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Typesetting, pagination and editing: Wojciech Paczek
Printed in Poland, Printing: "Fabryka Druku", Spolka z o.o.,
ul. Zgrupowania AK "Kampinos" 6, 01-943 Warszawa
Edition: 100 copies
old ISSN PL-1730-2064, new p-ISSN 2084-3763; e-ISSN 2082-7571 (priority for references)
Indexed in:
MNiSW / Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education – 10 points (since Jan. 2012)
CEJSH / The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
Elsevier / SCOPUS
Index Copernicus International – ICV = 7.70 / 81.38 (for 2014)
and Google Scholar
Publishing of this journal (volume 15) was co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.