Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - The essence and importance of team cohesion in sport

Team cohesion is very important – although not always appreciated – factor in sports activities. It is a phenomen and a dynamic process leading to the tendency of a team to stick together, be united and co-operate to achieve common goals and tasks. The nature of team cohesion is multidimensional – one may distinguish a task-performance and social cohesion.
The essence and the quality of team cohesion are determined by such factors as: team homogeneity and stability, its size, differentiation of task, co-operation of its members, good interpersonal relations. Team's successes depend, to a large extent, on team cohesion, co-operation, friendly and compatible relationships between coach and athletes.
The interrelationship between team cohesion and successes in competition is probably circular (so called Martens – Peterson model). It suggests that team cohesion leads to success, which leads to feelings of satisfaction and joy, which in turn tends to reinforce and strengthen p | team cohesion, co-operation, good relations between coach and athletes and enhances the right kind of achievement motivation. Some authors think that performance success; good results in competition and cohesion leading to greater satisfaction are closely correlates and linked.
It seems obvious also that the relationship between team cohesion and successes depends to a certain degree on the branch of sport. Team cohesion and co-operation are probably more important in the team sports (soccer, volley ball, basket ball, etc.) than in other branches of sport. In team sports very important is the cohesion and co-operation of smaller sub-units (like on a warship). But one must remember that team cohesion also is very important in other branches of sport (fencing, riflery, cycling etc).
The cause-and-effect relationship between cohesion and performance is many-sided and team sat faction is a worthwhile outcome ensuring continual participation, sport-enjoyment and right kind of motivation.
As it is mentioned in the article, the team cohesion is not always correct, right and honest. It is very bad and negative when gangs of speudo-fans are concerned, for whom an athletic even is only an excuse to misbehavior and destruction. The coaches and athletes, of course, are interested in good and positive aspects of team cohesion.
There are six points helping the coach in ensuring team cohesion:
1. Each player ought to know his role on the team.
2. Each player must know his role on the team and believe it is important.
3. The coach must know well his pupils to apply the principle of individual approach and to build team cohesion.
4. One has to develop pride of one's team and within the sub-units of a bigger team.
5. The coach and the athletes should set goals and tasks to be fulfilled and they ought to take pride in their accomplishment.
6. The formation of cliques must be avoided.
Co-operation among athletes is closely linked with task cohesion and motivation and should be actively promoted.