Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Praxiology versus ethics of a sport competition – dichotomy or harmony?

From the praxeological point of view a number of directives and techniques of the successful sport competition such as: the rule of freedom of one’s own movements and the limitation of the opponent’s movements, the dispersal of the adversary’s power, the directive of anticipation, the rule of cunctation (temporisation), misleading of the adversary etc. Some of them become the source of doubts of ethical nature.
In the work the leading conceptions of the settlement of the potentially possible dichotomy between the directives of the effective performance in the sport competition and the ethical rules have been presented.
The problem of effectiveness and ethics of the sport competition is an example of a more general problem, which drives at the finding of a synthesis between the technocratic (fitness) and humanistic trend. It is possible to achieve the unity between praxiology and ethics of the sport competition on the grounds of the humanistic and personalistic (thomistic) ethics. These conceptions are mutually complementary, however they can differ in respect of the final datum (anthropocnetric or theocentric).
From the humanistic perspective one mostly attempts to solve the dichotomy between praxiology and the sport ethics by adducing the rule of fair play.
The basic role of the personalistic ethics is the rule of affirmation of another person, in respect of his/her outstanding dignity. The personal dignity of an athlete excludes him/her being treated “instrumentally”. In a sport competition some universal moral values, such as truth, justness, honesty health etc., can not be violated.