Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Capoeira: The Brazilian martial art and infantile school education

Aiming the proposal of methodologic orientations for the teaching of capoeira this study is justified by the need of contemplating a better way for the development of a specific methodology for capoeira instruction to school children from 3 to 6 years old. For this, at first, it was carried out a review of studies in the psychology, physical education, pedagogy and capoeira areas. Also as support for the development of methodological orientations it was taken into consideration the author's experience in this study over 14 years in schools of Infantile Education in the city of Curitiba south of Brazil). Next, the methodological orientations were sistematized for the teaching of capoeira to children from 3 to 6 years old using as a model the structure of the document “Currículo Básico da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Curitiba” from Secretaria Municipal De Educação (1994) of Curitiba. With a concern on the development process of pre-school children as a whole, we tried to propose adequate methodological orientations to this age range, which can help teachers and educators that work with this school education phase.