Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Between Taipei and Pensacola. Own reflections on scientific tourism

In the sociological perspective and theory of tourism and martial arts a problem which was analysed involved connecting scientific tourism and martial arts tourism on the basis of reports from seven conferences “stretching” from Pensacola to Taipei. They used quality methods – participatory observation, text analysis and direct interview, complemented by comparative analysis.
The results lead to conclusions that the places of congresses and conferences are not accidental. They are usually the centers of certain institutional and organizational maturity, with some achievements in a given domain. For people coming from foreign countries there are organized additional cultural attractions. Cultural tourism is often realised as an integral part of a scientific conference or participants’ spare time. In the case of martial arts researchers- their trips for scientific conferences are connected with their studies, their martial arts tourism is a particular instance of scientific tourism.