Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Cultural tourism in the light of Polish humanist theory of tourism

The main aim of the study as well as of the conference held in Poznań was theoretical and practical reflection of cultural tourism in the perspective of its further development. The event reviewed above served in particular as means of exchanging views and experiences on studies of socio-cultural and axiological potential of modern trends of cultural tourism. The scope of realized here discourse was significant. The issues of cultural tourism were discussed in many aspects and dimensions: axiological, educational, economic, historic and socio-cultural. The discussion was undertaken by practitioners including: representatives of museum staff, regionalists, tourist and tour guides, and managers of travel companies. The main theses were published before the conference in a collective monograph.
The most important value of such scientific meetings is probably the opportunity for direct scientific discussion and integration of the environment and undertaking further common scientific projects. The conference in Poznań was an important step towards the humanist theory of tourism or the general theory of tourism as well.
To sum up, the process of developing the humanistic theory of tourism is being continued by the circle of Polish theoreticians. There are consecutive scientific events and mentioned in the study published results of the scientific research. The conference reviewed above led to further common projects (past and future conferences, published and planned studies).