Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Directing the process of training, taking competition and fencer’s personality dimensions as a model

Many coaches and sport scientists still believe in a value of model champion (champion profile). Of course, it is known – or should be known – that very often it is difficult to notice the obvious thing. So, many coaches and sport scientists do not notice that great coaches, especially in combat sports, although display certain common traits, do differ considerably in their views, motivation, programming, conducting the process of training, and style of leadership. Often they try to dispute a simple truth. It is enough to compare best fencers, team players, to notice great differences in body build, type of personality (extravert or introvert), traits of temperament, functions of sympathetic and para-sympathetic system, range and variety of actions they apply in competitions, as well as variety of achievement motivation. The greatest fencers, medallists of Olympic Games and World Championships, achieve their successful results not because they have champion profile traits, but because they developed their strong points to the highest level. The other aspect of what brings success in sport is notice what happens in competitions, which type of achievement motivation is best, how the competitors learn and apply various actions in competitions.
So, it is obvious that programme of fencer’s training ought to be based on what happens in competition and takes into account the fencer specific personality traits.