Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Evolution of a Scientific Periodical on the Example of “Ido Movement for Culture” (2000–2010)

The study presents the development and evolution of a scientific journal published by a small society, and without the Ministerial support. This is a case study of the periodical, which is currently poised to enter the list of ISI in Philadelphia. The Scientific Year's Issue "Ido – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture" was established by the Idōkan Poland Association and has been appearing regularly for 10 years. It includes multi-disciplinary content- from philosophy and sociology, to the pedagogy of physical education and sports training theory, and therefore, the reflection on the high level to practical applications of applied science.
The subject of the article is the content of the interdisciplinary journal “Ido Movement for Culture”. The method of analysing the content of texts has been used and the relation between the content and the number of authors representing various scientific disciplines has been examined. As a result, the picture of this, existing since 2000, issue and its profile evolution has been drawn.
To sum up, one may state, on the one hand, that the paradigm of the system, holistic approaches has been preserved and the humanistic profile of research dominates. On the other hand, one may also indicate the tendency to limit the scope of topics of articles published in the journal to the studies on physical culture and sport sciences, problems of ethics, pedagogy, sociology of culture and cultural tourism.