Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Silat Tempur: An Overview of the Children’s Combat Sports

Aim. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the children’s combat sports known as silat Tempur, since it was introduced in 2013. This combative sport focused on children, particularly beginners aged 7 to 13. The main purpose of this sport is to improve combative techniques among young silat exponents in competition. The silat tempur arena is similar to a fencing platform which aims to relax the exponents when performing silat techniques in competition. The most frequent techniques used in this sport are punches, kicks, catches, blocks and topple down. Nine national silat tempur competition had been organized and each silat exponents will gain points from each match they compete in. The overall winner with the highest points is announced once the series has concluded. silat coaches play an important role in educating their athletes in term of both training and in competition rules and regulation.