Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Education in moral values of JUDO school students

Introduction. By linking human morality with cognitive development, Profesor Jigoro Kano was convinced that discovering knowledge and understanding it would shape the meaning of good and evil among young judokas, as well as their ability to distinguish what is good and what is bad [Kano 2005, Mifune 2004].
Problem and aim. The aim of the undertaken research was to assess the assimilation by students at the Kodokan Judo School of values, including: responsibility, righteousness, patience, lowliness, courage, and kindness, and also to check to what extent the application of the Kogi and Mondo methods increase the sensitivity of judo players to these values during training. The main problem of the research was the question: What is the evaluation of adopted and externalised values of judo competitors in primary school?
Methods of research. I. Observation categorized. Six values of the judo school were subjected to research, four subcategories of which were selected and then operationalized. II. Survey using interviews. Respondents were asked five questions that concerned ways of understanding judo, through the prism of values that are internalised in them during their training.
Conclusion: The behavior of the tested students during Randori trainings should be assessed highly. The application of the Mondo and Kogi methods with reference to the values characterising the students of the Kodokan Judo School allows young practitioners of this martial art to understand the full concept of education proposed by Professor Jigoro Kano.