Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Unified approach to health and fitness in integrated Europe

At present human health is recognized as a positive phenomenon with emphasis on wellness from social and individual viewpoint. Researches conducted at the United States proved that life-style determines health in 53 percent, genetic features -16 percent, ecological conditions in 21 percent and accessibility for medical services only in 10 percent. Physical activity and fitness play a very important role in an individual life-style. Unfortunately, Poles are at the top of the European countries, who prefer sedentary style of life to physical activity. Committee of Experts on Sports Research have come to conclusion that because fitness is an important component of health, it is worthwhile to elaborate a tool appriopriate for assessing fitness in children and adults – Eurofit, which will be applied in all Member States of European Union. The battery of tests adopted consists of: cardio-respiratory endurance, static strength and explosive power, functional and trunk strength, running speed, speed of limb movement, flexibility and total body balance. Anthropometric measures: height, weight, body fat and identification data have been also included in the Eurofit. Reference scales and profile charts have been and are being elaborated for representative groups of people with regard to sex and age. The Committee of Ministers under the terms of Article 15b of the Statue of the Council of Europe recommends the goverments of member states to apply the Eurofit particularly in school aged children from 6 to 18 years old.