Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - The ethic codes as a chance for tourism?

The aim of the paper is to define the function and the meaning of the ethic codes for tourism. So formulated aim expresses the belief that survival and development of tourism are connected both with the moral level of tourist subjects and realization of the idea of sustainable development of tourism. The author tries to justify the thesis that sustainable tourism should be supported by the ethical foundation. The analysis of discussion between the adherents and opponents of the codai norms become transfered into the area of the ethic codes in tourism. Evident is the lack of connecting and representative data based on measurable parameters which
would enable coming into the general conclusion about the influence of the ethic codes in tourism. However, their analysis should induce the further intensive empirical social research. The paper is closed by the characteristics of the Global Ethic Code for Tourism which rises to the range of the ethical signpost for sustainable development.
The conclusion is comprised in the statement that sustainable development is possible when ethical values are widely propagated. This process could be supported by a deep reflection over the ethics o f managing in the tourist branch. Thanks to the building of a moral responsibility ofindividual and group tourism operators supported by the rules and detailed advice of the code, it is possible to achieve the strategic aims and undertake the actions ethically oriented.