Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Polish students’ knowledge and their attitudes towards martial arts and combat sports

Objective. The research perspective is constituted by the ‘humanist theory of martial arts’ [Cynarski 2004]. The main research problem and the aim of the research carried out by the authors was to test and describe the interdependency between knowledge and attitudes. The second aim is an evaluation of perceptions of martial arts by the young people from secondary and junior secondary schools from the southern part of Poland with emphasis put on the aspect of perceived values and dangers. 4 hypotheses have been stated.
Method. Participants (N0 = 300) were the pupils studying in junior secondary schools (gymnasiums) and secondary schools (lyceums). They completed a questionnaire “Perception of martial arts and combat sports by the youth of gymnasiums and secondary schools” prepared by W.J. Cynarski, which includes 18 questions, personal details (in question 19) and Milton Rokeach’s scale of values. With the use of the diagnostic survey 300 questionnaires were administrated from which N = 274 were accepted for analysis. The χ2 independence test was used.
Results and conclusions. While revising the hypotheses it has been assumed that: 1) the evaluation of the influence of martial arts practice is independent of the gender of respondents; 2) the evaluation of the influence of martial arts practice is independent of the age of respondents; 3) attitudes towards martial arts depend (directly proportional) on the knowledge of respondents; 4) the evaluation of martial arts value depends on the respondents’ level of knowledge (on martial arts).
Moreover, an insufficient level of knowledge of martial arts as a field of physical culture (motion – sportive culture) in case of students of secondary schools has been noted.