Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Historical and methodological reflections on the context of scholarly and publishing activities of our martial arts research community

Problem. The current activities of specialised scientific societies – IMACSSS (International Martial Arts & Combat Sports Scientific Society) and IPA (Idokan Poland Association), carried out from September 2023 to August 2024, need to be described in their historical context. The author also comments on the methodology of martial arts research.
Method. The main method applied here is the author’s participatory observation in the communities of martial arts practitioners and researchers. This is complemented by an analytical method – a content analysis of the literature on the subject.
Results. The historical and cultural context of Western civilisation, of central Europe and Poland are indicated. This is connected to the history of the origin and present-day functioning of the organisations indicated above. The author also points out a methodological error – a literal or logical translation of the historicallyestablished names of martial arts.
Conclusions. A proper theoretical perspective helps avoid interpretation errors. Knowledge of the broader context allows for in-depth analyses. The quarterly “Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology” tries to implement the recommendations of the new science paradigm in the field of holistic, multi-aspect and multidisciplinary approaches.