Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Relationship between sports competition anxiety and technical-tactical actions of winning and losing kurash athletes

Aim. The purpose of the study is to compare the state of anxiety and the level of technical-tactical skill that defeated and victorious kurash athletes demonstrate in competition and to investigate the correlation between them.

Methods. Eighty-four male kurash athletes participated in the study (average age 18±2.4 years, weight 73±7.3 kg, height 175±8.4 cm, training experience 8±2.8 years). The level of anxiety of the kurash athletes was measured, and its association with technical-tactical indicators was investigated during regional and national championships.

Results. The results showed that the level of anxiety that the losing kurash athletes (20.71±0.86, p>0.05) experienced during competitions was higher than that of the winning kurash athletes (19.07±1.40, p<0.01). The total number of technical-tactical actions was lower among the losing athletes (8±2.1, p>0.05) than the winning athletes (11±3.5, p<0.05). Furthermore, fewer effective technical-tactical actions were performed by the losing kurash athletes (1±0.7, p>0.05), than the winning athletes (2±0.5, p<0.01). A correlation between the level of anxiety, and the total number of technical and tactical actions (r=0.421, p<0.05) and a positive correlation between anxiety and effective technical-tactical actions (r=0.253, p>0.05) was not observed when among losing kurash athletes. In contrast, there was a positive correlation between the level of anxiety and the number of effective technical-tactical actions (r=0.734, p<0.05), as well as between anxiety and the total number of technical-tactical actions (r=0.671, p<0.05), among the winning kurash athletes.