- 1. oral history
- (Tags)
- oral history
- 2. taekwondo history
- (Tags)
- taekwondo history
- 3. sports history
- (Tags)
- sports history
- 4. history of self-defence
- (Tags)
- history of self-defence
- 5. fencing history
- (Tags)
- fencing history
- 6. sport history
- (Tags)
- sport history
- 7. life history
- (Tags)
- life history
- 8. living history tourism
- (Tags)
- living history tourism
- 9. martial arts history
- (Tags)
- martial arts history
- 10. history
- (Tags)
- history
- 11. history and activities
- (Tags)
- history and activities
- 12. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: oral history)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 13. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: taekwondo history)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 14. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: sports history)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 15. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: history of self-defence)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 16. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: fencing history)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 17. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: sport history)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 18. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: life history)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 19. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: living history tourism)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 20. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: martial arts history)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 21. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: history)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history
- 22. Beginner Coach or High-Performance Coach? Which profile fits the identifiers of champions in Portuguese judo
- (Article tagged with: history and activities)
- Keywords: judo, beginner coaches, high-performance coaches, athletes, oral history